City of Solace RPG Info

Jan 05, 2010 16:50

NAME: Cal (Calenlass Greenleaf)
JOURNAL: calen_greenleaf
CONTACT: (I don’t use AIM) email: (For the most part, I keep a tab open on my e-mail. I am readily available through LJ PMs, too.)

NAME: Allen Walker
SERIES: D.Gray-Man
CANON POINT: Manga canon only. Lull/Interlude between the Timothy Arc (End: Chapt 184) and the Rise of the Noah Arc (Start: Chapt 187). Not jumping from the most recent arc because it’s just started and isn’t Allen-centric.


His surname originally wasn’t Walker. English-born, Allen was a boy who cast aside by his parents because of his disfigured left arm. He doesn’t have any memory of them, and when he speaks about them, his tone of voice is resigned. Allen’s childhood is given in bits and pieces; the furthest the manga takes us is to the time he was seven. He was working for a circus, doing odd jobs like delivering meals to the circus workers. A unkempt, scowling boy, he was unsociable, bitter, and felt that he didn’t need anyone to help him-a far cry from the person he would later become. Really, he was running a close race with Kanda in regards in regards to unsociability, but I digress. That didn’t change until he met Mana, a clown who was recently employed by the circus.

Before they even met, Allen was acquainted with Mana’s dog; as much as Allen didn’t want to admit it, he wanted companionship. Only when the dog was killed out of jealously did Allen and Mana meet. At first, Allen was downright rude, even when Mana attempts to cheer him up. But underneath that brusqueness, Allen was still a child-one that needed happiness. And Mana gave him that happiness for a few brief years. After adopting Allen, he was able to bring out the nature that would one day identify Allen-the friendly attitude, the polite way he treated everyone. Who knew what he would become, if not for Mana Walker? Sadly, this interlude only lasted three years. Mana died of unknown causes (not given in the manga), and a grief-stricken Allen sat in front of his grave, young (only ten), bereft, and a perfect target for the Millennium Earl, who asked, with a smile, “Would you like me to revive Mana Walker for you?”

Who could say no? The thought of seeing a loved one resurrected is appealing, and Allen agrees. He calls back Mana’s soul, trapping it in a skeletal form prepared by the Earl. However, his initial joy is turned to shock when Mana accuses him of turning him into an Akuma. Mana curses him and slashes at Allen, catching his left eye and leaving a jagged wound down his face. Confused, Allen doesn’t react except to cry out in pain, but his disfigured left arm suddenly transforms into a giant white claw. It moves on its own and destroys the form Mana is in, leaving behind a broken, shell-shocked Allen to wonder what had happened. His hair turns white because of the shock, and his left eye is now cursed with a jagged red scar that does not fade with time. A while later, General (or marshal, depending on either the English or Japanese) Cross Marian, exorcist of the Black Order, finds the boy and tells him that he has a power called Innocence-which was the reason why his arm was disfigured-given by God to destroy Akuma (demons). “Will you become an exorcist?” he asks Allen.

Allen’s answer is yes. He then becomes Cross’s servant apprentice, and for the next five years travels with the man, learning how to use and control his Innocence and, more often than that, paying Cross’s debts by means of cheating at gambling. Cross’s means of teaching are rather unconventional (Abusive, much? Demanding, much?), but Allen does become a proper Exorcist in time. Cross then sends Allen-knocking him out with a hammer so that he himself could run off and leave no clue to his whereabouts-to the Black Order Headquarters to be officially admitted.

And that’s where DGM officially starts. He meets other exorcists (and a rather sudden meeting at that when he was mistaken for an Akuma upon arrival), goes one his first mission, and calls Headquarters his home. It probably would have turned out to be nice, had the Earl not began making his move in search for the “Heart” Innocence. There were instances of Innocence being destroyed and Exorcists-even a general-being killed . Allen, with a group of his friends, is sent to search for Cross Marian. As they make their way to Edo (Japan), he meets with a Fallen One (An Exorcist’s whose synchronization rate with Innocence has fallen to 0%) and tries to save him, to no avail. During this, he forces his Innocence to activate to its maximum, straining it and making himself vulnerable. Tyki Mikk, the Noah of Pleasure, appears and explains how he was one behind the acts of destroying, using his Noah ability combined with the Earl’s cannibal butterfly golems called “Teases.” He then destroys Allen’s Innocence and makes a Tease eat a hole in Allen’s heart.

By all appearances, Allen should be dead. But he isn’t; his Innocence, though shattered into particles, still exists and closes up the hole in his heart, keeping him alive until Allen is found by the Black Order’s Asian Branch. After being told that he can regain synchronization with his Innocence, he begins to train. However, after several attempts, he is unsuccessful, and it takes an attack from a Level 3 Akuma before he can finally restore his Innocence. He realizes he was fighting not for the sake of fighting, nor living for the sake of fighting, but he was fighting for something that is precious to him. His Innocence is restored, transforming to its “true form” and given the name Crown Clown.

After convincing the Level 3 Akuma to given him information he then goes to Edo using Noah’s Ark (What the Noahs use for transportation), arriving just time to help the Exorcists there. He engages in a short battle with the Earl before the latter leaves. Later, Allen and his friends are teleported in the Ark. They have only three hours to find and exit and leave before the Ark is downloaded and self-destructs. Tyki Mikk shows up to tell Allen how to get out. Their party of six drops to four when two are left behind. Allen faces Tyki Mikk for the third time, and it is there that his snychronization with his Innocence reaches 100% and he is able to transform is left arm into a sword that can exorcise any evil. He defeats Tyki, but Noah inside the man takes over, and at that point Cross Marian shows up to scold help him. He tells Allen to control the Ark by directing him to a white room, where Allen sees a shadow in a mirror that tells him to play the piano. When he asks how, Timcampy projects the music, and Allen remembers the symbols as something he and Mana made up, a long time ago, and his momentarily confused. Nevertheless, he plays the piano and manages to stop the Ark from downloading, thus saving him and the others inside the Ark. They retrieve the Akuma Egg inside the Ark, which the Earl uses to make new Akuma, and utilize the Ark for their own transportation.

Allen returns to Headquarters, where he wonders how he is able to control the Ark, and how Mana is connected to all this. He is accused of treason because of his ability to read the music, and he is placed under scrutiny, his every move being watched. It is then that a Noah-Lulubell-attacks with countless Akuma, determined to retrieve the Egg. But Allen and the exorcist destroy the Egg, and Lulubell leaves, a newly-born Level 4 Akuma in her wake. This new Akuma, never before seen or fought, begins destroying Headquarters, starting with Allen. Despite being struck into a wall and being so badly injured almost to the point of immobility, he forced himself to fight until the generals are able to join the fight and destroy the Level 4. Headquarters is deemed unsafe, and it is relocated (location unknown, not given).

When the relocation is completed, Allen is summoned by Cross, who tells him what he knows about “the Fourteenth” Noah, the shadow that Allen sees in reflections. He tells Allen that the Noah’s will, implanted in him when he was young, would erode his memories and take over his body. Cross also reveals that the Fourteenth was Mana’s brother, and that when Allen becomes the Fourteenth, he would have to kill someone he loved. Allen gets upset over this, saying that although he isn’t sure how to take this news, he still loves Mana-his father-and that he won’t let the Fourteenth win. Nevertheless, an order goes out that if Allen should become the Fourteenth, he should be immediately killed.

Ten days later, Allen is sent on a mission in France to investigate a series of strange thefts. He discovers that a boy with Innocence is behind it, but while attempting to convince him to become an Exorcist, the orphanage they were visiting is suddenly attacked by several Akuma, a Level 4 included. They fight, and Allen ends up skewering himself on his own sword, causing himself pain and also awakening the Noah inside of him. He snaps out of this after being insulted (courtesy of Kanda), and the Level 4 is dealt with. After returning home, however, Allen dreams about Mana, and when he wakes up, his appearance is changed. Only after a friend calls out to him does he revert to his usual self.



Allen Walker is a complicated person. Actually, make that very complicated. Half the time, he doesn’t act his age (approximately 15/16). He sometimes seems older than his peers. In general, however, he’s a polite and amiable person whom nearly everyone except Kanda likes. He smiles a lot, even in a hopeless situation, for both himself and for others. In the original Japanese, he goes so far as to use a polite, distant sort of speech when talking (only on occasion does Allen accidentally forgo this formal way of speaking). But for all the charm he has, he is first and foremost an Exorcist of the Black Order.

As an Exorcist, Allen uses Innocence to kill Akuma, which are created by the Millennium Earl so that they may carry out his purposes. Akuma-literally “demon”-can only be “exorcized” by the Innocence; they range in appearance and personality from puppet-like killing machines to humanoid “free-thinking” beings. In any case, they carry a deadly virus that kills humans instantly. Killing them without a second thought should be easy, yes? “Exorcists are destroyers, not saviours,” one of his fellow comrades say.

Not so for Allen. Due to a curse placed upon him, his left eye can see the trapped, pained souls of the Akuma, which only grow more terrible in agony each time it evolves and levels up. Others who see it call “like hell on earth.” It is because of this that Allen realizes that Akuma are sad beings, and so he destroys to save them. Most people around him don’t understand this, and for a while, even Allen himself struggled with the idea, wondering if he fought for the humans or for the Akuma. Only when he realized that “with [his] right hand [he would] save humans, and with [his] left hand [he would] save the Akuma” does he understand that both are his priority.

Allen is far from perfect, however. He isn’t naïve, and because of various circumstances in his past, he has a dark side to him that he reveals from time to time (such as the occasion when he cheated at cards, because his opponents cheated first). Perhaps his most admirable quality and biggest fault are the same things-his compassion, which is force that drives him. There is an unspoken phrase in his mind all the time: Save everyone. Whether it be his friends, Akuma, and even Noah, Allen wants to save all of them. It’s a little hard, even when you’re one of the strongest Exorcists in mind and body. For all his resolve and fortitude of strength, he’s still a teenager. His judgment isn’t perfect, and his unconventional way of doing things (such as saving a sworn enemy) confuses others. He also has a tendency to disregard himself in an effort to help others. During the Level 4 Akuma attack on Headquarters, he went so far as to force himself to fight after suffering a near-debilitating attack by using his Innocence to control his body, collapsing subsequently. Bit of a martyr complex, one might say-you can hurt Allen as much as you want and he won’t care, but touch anything he regards as cherished, and he’ll defend it, fiercely. He has taken upon himself a large burden, and he’s reluctant to let others help him because he feels that he’s the only one who can understand.

There’s also the matter of the Fourteenth, the Noah whose memories were implanted into his mind, with the memories gradually eroding his real self away (Allen is “the host necessary for his revival”). He sees the Fourteenth’s shadow in reflections. The Noah’s abilities are manifested in him. With friends and enemies watching his every move, he knows that he can’t afford to slip-and when he does, he tries to shrug it off, saying that he won’t let anything happen. And he tries all the harder to defend his morals and live up to them because he can’t be failure, least of all to himself.

In short, Allen Walker tries to play the part of the saviour, not only because it’s his duty as an Exorcist or because a remembrance of his past [see HISTORY], but also out his compassion toward others. He chose his road in life, and he walks it the best he can, sometimes stumbling, but always getting up and looking ahead.

“I swore…that I’d never stop walking until the day I died…”


As the main character of D.Gray-Man, Allen has a very long list of talents and abilities, so I’ve broken it into sections for easier perusing. Abilities given in this list are the MOST RECENT ones because Allen’s weapons/abilities evolved.

Exorcist Powers-

All Exorcists have the ability to use Innocence. Innocence has three forms-equipment-type (the most common), parasitic-type (rare), and crystal-type (recently discovered; exact details are unknown). Allen has a parasitic-type Innocence named Crown Clown that manifests itself in his left arm. The oddity of parasitic-type Innocence is the sentient nature; sometimes, it seems to be able to act apart from Allen. When not activated, his arm is black from fingertips to the shoulder, ending at the shoulder with a pattern of sorts, like a tattoo. When activated, Crown Clown changes his left fingers into elongated claws, also taking the form of a white, protective cape and sleeve, with a silvery mask attached to the hood of the cape.

Abilities of Crown Clown

Cross Grave: Using his left hand, Allen draws a cross either on the Akuma to destroy them, or in the air as a shield.

Clown Belt: The cape segment of his Innocence that transforms to either grapple things (like a rope), restrain, or destroy (by forming into spikes). Allen once takes advantage of his Innocence’s sentient nature when he was too injured to move by using Crown Belt to wrap around his arms and legs to force himself to continue fighting.

Crown Edge: “A projectile attack which unleashes a barrage of crown-shaped rings from the clawed fingers on Allen's left hand.” (Quoting DGM wiki because there’s really no other way to word it)

Edge End: Allen slashes with his left hand, releasing a large amount of destructive power from his clawed fingers.

Sword of Exorcism: The “third form” of Allen’s innocence, or the second form of Crown Clown. He gains this when his synchronization rate with his Innocence reaches 100%, the level of a general. Allen’s arm transforms (Or transmutes?) and becomes a sword that he pulls away from his body. It looks like the Millennium Earl’s sword, only with its black-and-white colours inverted. The sword has the ability to exorcize evil from any person-Noah included-without harm to the person himself, in accordance with Allen’s wishes. He is also able to telepathically summon the sword to his hand if he is separated from it. The sword can also harm its user, as shown when Allen drove the sword through a Level 4 Akuma, himself, and wall in hopes of ridding the Akuma. The sword reacted to the Noah inside of Allen, causing him pain and seemingly awakening the Fourteenth in Allen.

Death Ball (I’m not sure if this is official English name): An attack Allen uses with his sword. It releases an arc of energy at his intended target that explodes on impact.

Cursed Left Eye-

Due the curse that Mana gave him when Allen made him an Akuma, Allen’s left eye can see the trapped souls of the Akuma. When activated, his left eye appears to have a cogwheel-like monocle that can sense Akuma from both near and far. It also has the ability to allow others to see the Akuma souls, a black-and-white world that is “like hell,” according to one witness.

The Musician/The Fourteenth-

Information on the Fourteenth Noah’s (aka the Musician’s) abilities is still sketchy, but one of them is the ability to control the Ark, the Noah family’s means of moving from place to place. The Earl had planned to destroy the first Ark after creating his own Ark, but because of a secret room that only the Fourteenth knew about, Allen, by either playing a song on the piano or reciting the song in his head, can control the Ark’s movements and thus use it.


(Not too relevant, but just some miscellaneous abilities that Allen’s picked up…)

Acrobatic ability, courtesy of Mana Walker’s training

Cardshark skills, courtesy of Cross Marian’s debts heaped upon him

info, rp, cityofsolace

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