elegycity App

Jan 12, 2011 13:16

[Player LJ] calen_greenleaf
[Player Name] Cal (Calenlass Greenleaf)
[@ Elegy] n/a

[Series] D.Gray-Man
[Character] Allen Walker
[Description] A boy of around sixteen years of age, with white hair, grey eyes, a scar that starts as an upside-down pentacle on his forehead with a line the travels down his left eye, then angles to the left and looks like a 7 on his cheek. Allen stands at 162 cm and still growing (later canon information reveals that he is 168). And this is a picture reference

[Personality] Allen Walker is a complicated person. Actually, make that very complicated. Half the time, he doesn’t act his age (approximately 15/16). He sometimes seems older than his peers. In general, however, he’s a polite and amiable person whom nearly everyone except Kanda likes. He smiles a lot, even in a hopeless situation, for both himself and for others. In the original Japanese, he goes so far as to use a polite, distant sort of speech when talking (only on occasion does Allen accidentally forgo this formal way of speaking). But for all the charm he has, he is first and foremost an Exorcist of the Black Order.

As an Exorcist, Allen uses Innocence to kill Akuma, which are created by the Millennium Earl so that they may carry out his purposes. Akuma-literally “demon”-can only be “exorcized” by the Innocence; they range in appearance and personality from puppet-like killing machines to humanoid “free-thinking” beings. In any case, they carry a deadly virus that kills humans instantly. Killing them without a second thought should be easy, yes? “Exorcists are destroyers, not saviours,” one of his fellow comrades say.

Not so for Allen. Due to a curse placed upon him, his left eye can see the trapped, pained souls of the Akuma, which only grow more terrible in agony each time it evolves and levels up. Others who see it call “like hell on earth.” It is because of this that Allen realizes that Akuma are sad beings, and so he destroys to save them. Most people around him don’t understand this, and for a while, even Allen himself struggled with the idea, wondering if he fought for the humans or for the Akuma. Only when he realized that “with [his] right hand [he would] save humans, and with [his] left hand [he would] save the Akuma” does he understand that both are his priority.

Allen is far from perfect, however. He isn’t naïve, and because of various circumstances in his past, he has a dark side to him that he reveals from time to time (such as the occasion when he cheated at cards, because his opponents cheated first). Perhaps his most admirable quality and biggest fault are the same things-his compassion, which is force that drives him. There is an unspoken phrase in his mind all the time: Save everyone. Whether it be his friends, Akuma, and even Noah, Allen wants to save all of them. It’s a little hard, even when you’re one of the strongest Exorcists in mind and body. For all his resolve and fortitude of strength, he’s still a teenager. His judgment isn’t perfect, and his unconventional way of doing things (such as saving a sworn enemy) confuses others. He also has a tendency to disregard himself in an effort to help others. During the Level 4 Akuma attack on Headquarters, he went so far as to force himself to fight after suffering a near-debilitating attack by using his Innocence to control his body, collapsing subsequently. Bit of a martyr complex, one might say-you can hurt Allen as much as you want and he won’t care, but touch anything he regards as cherished, and he’ll defend it, fiercely. He has taken upon himself a large burden, and he’s reluctant to let others help him because he feels that he’s the only one who can understand.

There’s also the matter of the Fourteenth, the Noah whose memories were implanted into his mind, with the memories gradually eroding his real self away (Allen is “the host necessary for his revival”). He sees the Fourteenth’s shadow in reflections. The Noah’s abilities are manifested in him. With friends and enemies watching his every move, he knows that he can’t afford to slip-and when he does, he tries to shrug it off, saying that he won’t let anything happen. And he tries all the harder to defend his morals and live up to them because he can’t be failure, least of all to himself.

In short, Allen Walker tries to play the part of the saviour, not only because it’s his duty as an Exorcist or because a remembrance of his past, but also out his compassion toward others. He chose his road in life, and he walks it the best he can, sometimes stumbling, but always getting up and looking ahead.

“I swore…that I’d never stop walking until the day I died…”

[Canon] Allen is the series’ protagonist, and thus he impacts it. But if anything, his personality speaks for the reasons as to how he’s an influence in D.Gray-man; if anything, everyone who comes across Allen certainly has strong opinions about him, whether they are for him or against him. One can’t meet him and not go away with a sort of impression of him. He's been prophesied to be the "Destroyer of Time" and he has a Noah inside of him that will slowly take over him and his memories, though he swear he won't let it happen.

[Timeline] Manga canon only. Lull/Interlude between the Timothy Arc (End: Chapt 184) and the Rise of the Noah Arc (Start: Chapt 187). I chose this for easier integration in the game; probably at some point I’ll consider a canon update.

[RP Sample] Originally used at cityofsolace

His footsteps echoed in the empty hallway. There was another pair of footsteps, its rhythm nearly matching his. He kept his eyes straight ahead, not glancing behind or around him.

Solitude was something Allen Walker was not used to. The only times he had been alone were the days before he met Mana, the days after Mana died and before he met his Master, and the night that Tyki Mikk destroyed his Innocence. Aside from those incidents, he was never alone-either Timcampy would be hovering close by, or he would be in the presence of other people such his fellow Exorcists or finders.

Perhaps I take it for granted, he mused as he reached the staircase that would take him downstairs. No-I simply do not take heed of it.

It was…like breathing. Unconscious and reflexive until you gave it your attention. His gloved fingers slid down the banister as he walked, boots thumping a little louder now. The other set of boots was more readily audible, banging hollowly against the marble.

I should be happy that I’m not alone.

Yet I cannot be.

The angle of the setting sun cast long shadows through the windows, and he could make out little bobbing silhouette of his Master’s golem and the jagged form of the person behind him.

It was reminder that he was being watched. Constantly. He slowly drew in a deep breath, knowing that all of his actions, his mannerisms, and his way of speaking were all being analyzed.

Huh, I think if I even smiled wrong, Link will make a point of recording that. He tried to lighten the situation in his head as he stepped down the last stair and once again began walking through a long hallway. But there was really no use in trying, no use lying to himself. He was a threat, a ticking bomb with a unknown amount of time left. Oh, he understood people’s concerns. God help him, there was a Noah inside of him, planning to take over his mind and body.

The feeling of being distrusted was harder to accept, however; he was used to helping, saving-not waking up every day and examining himself to make sure he was still Allen Walker. In fact, it made him feel alone even though in reality he wasn’t. People didn’t understand what it was like to have another being inside your head, and he didn’t want them to have to deal with that sort of complication. Then that would mean walking alone, right?

Truly, the situation was paradoxical. He was even contradicting himself in his mind.

Do I want or do I not want to be alone?

‘Walker.’ Link’s voice broke into his thoughts. ‘We’re going to be late if you don’t hurry up.’

‘Oh.’ He quickened his footsteps. For the first time since leaving his room, he looked back and gave the man his apologetic smile. ‘Thanks for the reminder, Link.’

‘…It’s my job.’

Job, huh? Allen turned back, and he caught of glimpse of his reflection and the smiling profile in one of the hall mirrors.

It’s not something personal…


[I have read and understand the rules?] Yes~
[Referenced By] I’ve heard of Elegy a long time ago, but only recently did I get enabled by several people from a certain cast. Ahem.

My only question is, can Timcampi allowed?

elegycity, info, rp

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