Apr 07, 2009 03:59
1) Screaming "SHIT!" as loud as you can doesn't solve anything, but when you're still up at 4 a.m. after you've been drinking, it's a funny image to have of yourself in your head. Don't ask, there's really no story here.
2) People (self included) tend to have an idea that they are the star of life or something. It's something I'm trying to work on and the rest of the world should, too. I should probably write a screenplay, though, because my life would make a fucking good movie.
3) If you start smoking intending it to just be a phase you are fucking retarded. I'll fully admit it began as a cry for help and now I'm just a grumpy old man or something.
4) Watching openly gay men play straight characters is weird when the sexuality of the character is put to question. I am, of course, referring to T.R. Knight's character on Grey's Anatomy.
5) Being a surgeon is really sexy.
6) Don't get all of your life lessons from drunkenly watching the first three episodes of Grey's Anatomy. Those three episodes do not hold the meaning of life, but GOD Katherine Heigl's character is nice.
7) The best songs were written by someone who was very very stoned.
8) Gay men can in fact be mistaken for drug dealers. Some of them probably even are.
9) Updating livejournal is difficult to remember to do sometimes, particularly when you don't have your own computer.
10) People can surprise you every once in a while. It's just been a while since I've gotten a really pleasant surprise.
Okay, this list is useless. Good night!