Title: G-Dragon Gives Kim Kibum a Pineapple
subreadjaRating: G
Pairing: G-Dragon/Kim Kibum (Super Junior)
Summary: ...Seriously. G-Dragon gives Kim Kibum a pineapple.
"It's stopped raining."
Kibum let his umbrella fall back and looked up into the sky. Sure enough, the rain that had been pelting them for days on end had let up. He wondered to himself why he hadn't heard it. Perhaps he'd just gotten so used to it. The sound of it hitting his umbrella didn't even register anymore.
He was brought back to reality by Jiyong's voice. He turned to his friend, and blinked a few times. "I have something to give to you." Kibum watched silently as he reached down into his backpack and pulled out a pineapple, zipping his bag back up and handing it to him.
Kibum looked down at the piece of fruit in his hands, then back at Jiyong, confused. "W-what?" He said, voicing his thoughts. Jiyong laughed, his eyes crinkling.
"My moms gave it to me this morning. I don't know why," He shrugged, then smiled. "You looked like you could use it though."
Kibum was still confused, looking at his friend like he was insane. "For what?"
Jiyong threw his arms in the air and waved them around. "Anything you'd like."
Kibum stared at him, unblinking, then looked back down."Why am I holding a fucking pineapple right now?" He wondered aloud.
He heard the smaller boy next to him laugh and the felt the bench creak as Jiyong stood up, grabbing his backpack and throwing it over his shoulder. "Because you haven't put it down yet." He said, tapping his temple with a smirk as he walked past Kibum.
Kibum watched him go, hearing the beginning of a whistled tune he wasn't familiar with.
Written ages ago for a 15 Minute Prompt Challenge I did with
marusamarento So...