Actually, not that awkward at all...

Aug 06, 2009 18:41

Well, I went to the coffee with The Lady M last night. We went together after I arrived at her house with a gift of chicken lasagna.

V and his friend arrived at about the same time, but instead of asking questions and putting moves on the ladies he stayed in the corner and tried to ignore everyone. Apparently he had lost his nerve.

I wasn't really in a good state of mind to fully enjoy the evening, but it was nice to see TLM "holding court" with a quad of twenty somethings. They were discussing high protocol, and the lack of it in the lifestyle in general and Florida in particular.

I talked with V's friend today, and asked him what he thought of it all. Turns out he was vaguely disappointed. Based on V's descriptions, he was expecting all the women to be wearing kinky lingerie and there was going to be humping behind every piece of furniture. Instead, there was a bunch of people in normal street clothes talking about computers and classic rock.

Oh, the horror... :D

bdsm, lady m

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