Coming up from the Sub

Feb 05, 2011 09:18

Hi everyone!

Well, I figured I'd make a short post as I've been doing a lot of writing lately and before this fandom goes the way of the dodo now that Voyage has been and gone, I wanted to let you know some of what I've been working on and what's coming.

Just Peter Pevensie

This is something I wrote about gosh, five years ago now?  lol so long ago.  A short series that follows up Just and Magnificent and is set int he real world during World War II.  Obviously Edmund died in Narnia and thus died in the real world.  Peter fled school to enlist in the war.  Peter is  trying to forget Narnia and Edmund but finds he can't.  He finds himself drawn to someone who reminds him of Edmund.

Beyond Magnificent

My take on Prince Caspian and the final part of my Narnia epic trilogy.  Follows Peter, Susan, and Lucy as they return to Narnia to help Caspian.  Finding themselves drawn into a conflict to liberate their kingdom, Peter and Susan are stunned to find a legend has grown of a 'Rogue Warrior'.  Their quest to learn more about them leads them to the fabled realm of Salei Barion and the legacy of The Fallen.


JPP is done but I never did finish BM, though as a cap to JaM I would like to finish it, even if only one person reads it.  Lol.  Another series of mine that I dearly wish to finish is this.



Two chapters away and I faltered lol.  I got a book published and stopped posting stuff on LJ.  I plan to rectify that by showing what happens with these two.


I have a couple of one shots up my sleeve for various pairings in the fandom but if you have a specific choice or wish, prompt me!  I am presently taking orders lol.  Het will go to Pevensie_Love and Narnia_Wham, and slash will go to Narnia_Slash.  So feel free to let me know what you'd like to see, this might be my last run in Narnia!


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