Saturdays Aren't Fun With Hurt Ankles.

Oct 02, 2004 11:59

Hi everybody. I'm going to apologize for not posting a journal entry for such a long time. I've kinda been busy, and the days I wasn't Alan was working on my computer. Some kind of virus got in there and we had to completely redo the entire computer. But it's all better now. You folks need not fear though, I will put in what I have done the last week. Day by day.

FRIDAY: The only thing I really did was just go to Village Inn at night. Not too exciting.

SATURDAY: This was the day I had a few friends of mine come over. I had one great time. Even though Eric locked his keys in the car when he first got there, I was still having fun. I got really drunk, which I am not proud of, and felt it the next morning and into the evening.

SUNDAY: I went over to Dad's house today to watch football. Unfortunatly, the Packers lost. But I was trying man, I wore my jersey. That's probably why they lost. Oh well, I will never know. That night, I went to Denny's with Laura and talked to her. It was fun.

MONDAY: I really didn't do a whole lot today, just hang out with mom in the morning and watch wrestling at night. I also went to the theatre and watched "Mr. 3000" which was really funny.

TUESDAY: Today I got all my stuff ready for the interview tomorrow at Echostar and Ranstad. Other then that, not a whole lot happened.

WEDNESDAY: Today I was really busy for most of the day. I woke up got ready and went to Echostar for the interview. There was a lot of people waiting for an interview, so it took awhile for me to be seen. I got there at 10 and talked to the guy at around 11. I think the interview went good. They did want me to go take a urine test. That was an interesting experience to say the very least. I had this old little mexican dude standing there watching me. Apparently, my body thinks thats a little immitating. So I really had to push out any pee I had in me. So after I fill the little cup up, I realize that I didn't need to fill it up. So I pour half of it out and hope that I don't look like an idiot. Then when I give the dude my pee, he smiles at me! What could he be happy about, I just peed in a cup and gave it to him like a horrible Chirstmas present!!! That was insane.

THURSDAY: It rained SOOOO bad tonight. It started hailing and all that fun stuff. It was awesome. After it stopped, Andy and I went outside to take a look at everything. After a while, we decided to be stoopid. We started hitting ourselves in the face with a shoe. Then he wanted to slide on the ground with a trash can lid. I said "Dude, put it in the water and get it wet. It's going to slide easier that way." I still can't believe he fell for it. So he walks over to the pool, with me behind him, and I of course kicked him in the pool. He was extremely mad at me, but it was worth it. He's cool now, but man was he mad.

FRIDAY: I spent most of yesterday with my mom. We went to Walmart to find a stuffed animal for my brother. Andy and Amanda both won sweetheart for the band. It was funny because Amanda thought that Andy won and she didn't and was kinda jealous. Andy didn't want to win, so it was great seeing him all mad when he won. But I think deep down he really wanted to win. It was fun though. At halftime when they announced the winners, we all got to go down to the feild which was cool. I left at halftime to go out with some friends. We went to this little skatepark thing near my house. It was alot of fun. I hurt my ankle a little bit, but it's going away. Steven had never skated before then, so it was hilarious watching him on them. Chirs knew how to skate, but he needed to be reminded a little. Laura, Eric, Jessica, and Janine all showed up later on, so it was alot of fun. After a while, we went back to Eric's to watch "Eternal Sunshine For The Spotless Mind." That movie is so good, but it kept reminding me of Amanda and I. Other then that, it was an awesome night.

Well, I think that will do it for today. Take it easy.
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