Jan 03, 2005 23:36
I know it's already the 3rd day of the new year, but I don't care. I feel like I need to do a year in review. So here it is, month by month timeline of my 2004 year:
Janurary: Starts off with me living in Lufkin. Been there for like a week, if that. Really miss my family, always thinking of them. Got my first apartment! Started drinking more then I was. Had my first party in my apartment. Still trying to get used to being a complex manager. Mom and Alan come and bring me my stuff and see my apartment. I didn't want them to leave. Cried the night after they left.
Feburary: Getting used to the complex manager position. Buy me an X-Box cuz I wanted one. Still drinking and partying every week. Having a lot of fun. Make plans with my sister to visit in March. Met Amanda Batson at the end of the month.
March: Started dating Amanda. Turned 20. Got to go to El Paso for my birthday. Surprised my family, which I thought was great. Spent some time at other peoples houses that I was barely at my own. Started working alot. Having a great time all the time. Had friends, great job, and a beautiful girlfriend.
April: Still dating Amanda. I'm starting to fall in love with her. I think about her alot. Hate having her leave me to go home. Want her to move in with me, but I know that she wont. Work is getting a lil harder, but I still like it. More stress, more headaches, more bad moods. Amanda always fixed the bad moods just by calling me.
May: Amanda gets a job in Nac, so now we NEVER see each other. Work starts to suck. I'm not having as much fun as I usually do. Start drinking more. Social life is taking control of my professional life. Start missing my family even more. Requested a weekend off, but it's rejected because of some stupid reason that I don't remember. I found out that mom needs to have stomach surgery in July. Can't stop thinking about that.
June: Always working, never see Amanda. Constantly in a bad mood. Get up, go to work, come home, go to sleep, get up, go to work, etc. Got to go to New Orleans, got drunk in a strip club even though I was underage. Best friend and I are at each others throats alot. Steven never leaves my apartment. Wrecked my 1998 Dodge Neon. Bought my 2002 PT Cruiser. Amanda and I tell each other that we love each other. She moves to Huntsville which makes the relationship harder because we are even farther apart then we were. Got 2 days off in the entire month.
July: Still working 24-7. Amanda comes by every now and then. We have our first fight. I start to think about moving home. Take Amanda with me for a week so that I can visit my mom before she has her surgery. She ends up not having it. Amanda and I have another fight while in El Paso. Work really getting at me by now. Seriously thinking that I will be moving home soon. Asked Amanda if she would come with me if I did, she says no. Still not sure what I'm going to do.
August: I decide that the theatre was ruining my life up there. Decide that I need to move back home. Broke Amanda's heart, but she understood. We both still wanted to continue dating. Moved to El Paso on August 20. Uncle Lisle and Aunt Sandy help me move. Get a call from Sara at the end of the month saying that she doesn't like what Amanda is doing to me behind my back. Find out that she is cheating on me. I can never get ahold of her, and she wont return my calls. I start to hate myself for leaving.
September: On the 5th, Amanda and I break. Exactly 6 months after we started dating she decides that she doesn't want to have a long distance relationship anymore. My heart is broken, and I feel horrible. I wish that I could take back my job in Lufkin and pretend that nothing had happened between Amanda and I. Start getting my social life back together in El Paso, but it's not the same. I start to suffer from depression, but I don't show it because I didn't want my family to worry. My mom has her surgery. I'm helping her as much as I can.
October: Still hating myself for leaving Lufkin, but I decide that I will need a new girlfriend to move on. Try to date a few other girls, but with no success. Every girl that I meet are not as good as Amanda was. I knew that no one would ever be able to replace her. Start looking for a job and continue to help mom. Get one at the end of the month. So happy, I call Amanda and don't even have the balls to leave a message on her phone. She calls back, but no message. I don't try calling her back.
November: Start working again. Really having fun, getting my life back. Not thinking about Amanda as much. Send her a text message that says "Hi from Thomas" Didn't leave a number to contact me at cuz I didn't want to. Ended up sending her a text that says "My phone number is 915-204-4482. Call me sometime." She does, and we have a long chat. Find out that she still loves me and still wants something to happen between us later on in the future. I feel great. I am still in love with Amanda and she is still in love with me.
December: I start to have a life again. I have friends at work and outside of work. Work doesn't leave me stressed out at all. I get to spend a lot of time with family. Amanda and I talk occasionally and it isn't awkward at all. I start to like other girls, but screw it up. Start to party every once in a while. Have a new, more peaceful, outlook on life. Couldn't be happier at the end of the month.
Well, that's it boyz and gurls. Lotta good times, but a lot more bad times. Sorry I talked alot of Amanda, but she was (and still is) a big part of my life then. I just want to leave you with 10 things I plan on doing by the end of the year 2005:
1. Go back to school
2. Visit Amanda and my old friends in Lufkin
3. Spend even more time with my family
4. Try to gain about 20 pounds of muscle (probably wont happen)
5. Get a better job where I am having fun all the time
6. Start learning spanish
7. Start learning the guitar or the drums (haven't decided yet)
8. Work more to pay off all debts that I have
9. Keep my peaceful outlook on life through all the dark times that come
10. Write a script for a movie (or at least start one that I like)