Nov 29, 2005 18:12
Some days you just gotta melt down.Today was probably one of the worst days that i have had in awhile. Don't want to sound to emo but really im just trying to distract myself from thinking and dwelling on it...So i have turned to my trusty friend the LJ.Ugh. Please Please Please let things work out or let me know why they aren;t going to at least.
But i suppose as the saying goes lifes not this is one of those cases.
Maybe its for the best.
It just hurts.
Im not going to be a kangaroo and jump to any conclusions just yet..
I just hate waiting.
On a happier note oh wait there isn't one.
Well sort of...I get to go for a run tonight with Natty and Sir Jen a lot. Should be a good time.
Theres no way im going to make it but its all good. Should be hilarious.
"The one we must not speak of is probably just upset because his maid quit on him and now he has to run his own bath wata."-Ldave loves it so much.
Stupid Lord Voldermort. stop being so immature.
Okay well that was way too emo for my liking.
but whatever it was needed.
Loves forever. Jack.