Wow...its been a while

Apr 14, 2011 01:36

Sometimes I wonder why I keep this thing, I don't do much posting from it simply because I never really have much I want to say, but well maybe I should try more who knows. I don't honestly know the last time I sat down and posted something that wasn't a meaningless pimp or a twitter comment so I don't know what the last thing anyone knows about is. I won't attempt to try and catch everyone up completely, I will simply post the latest of news.

In the last year I had surgery, nearly died and have been on disability from work and just when it was starting to get better and I was starting to get better everything went to crap and I lost my job. The only good thing about the situation is that I am fighting the termination so I may be able to get my job back, but don't know.

This of course has put a crimp in the pesky ability to pay the bills so I have had to ask my mom for help again, but shockingly, she's been really good about it. I just have to be patient and pray I get unemployment.

Other than that the only real thing I have going on is looking for a job and lots of distraction.

I will try to be more active on here I promise.

mini update

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