The week that keeps on sucking

Nov 09, 2008 10:00

Woke up this morning and found our old blind cat Flame in a pretty bad way. Took him immediately to the vet; turns out he had a stroke overnight. Vet advised euthanasia; this was performed.

Here's something I wrote about him elsenet:

Flame and his sister Ash were the offspring of Spook, a cat belonging to friends of mine. I have often wondered exactly what the father must have been, since Spook is such a tiny, delicate little thing whereas the first comment made by people seeing Flame is often something like "Good grief, that's a big cat!" I sometimes suspect that there may be Siberian Steppe Cat somewhere in his ancestry.

Flame can be a bit shy until he gets to know someone, but once they receive his seal of approval he will relax with them and show them his true nature - floofy. In case you're wondering what "floofy" means, it is a term I coined after living with Flame, and has connotations of relaxed, uninhibited, sprawly and very, very furry. He exudes clouds of fur wherever he goes. He sheds enough fur in a week that if it were all spun and knitted into jumpers, it would clothe the small Tibetan village of your choice. Unfortunately, most of Flame's unattached fur doesn't go to Tibet - it goes under the kitchen table, or it distributes itself around the loungeroom in ever-growing wads, or it attaches in adhesive clumps to the seats of armchairs, there to lurk and wait for unsuspecting guests in dark clothes to sit down.

Goodbye Mr Flame. Poor old cat. :-(((

sad stuff, fuzzies

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