In other, non-frightening news, we have another trip to Iowa City on March 5 and 6. We're pretttttty good on money, barring unexpected expenses, but to be sure,
Geena is selling fic. One dollar per hundred words, any fandom, any pairing. She's estimating a turnaround of about a week.
I'll offer the same; as long as I know the canon, I'll write, if anyone wants it. (It can also be original, of course.) Just leave a comment here or PM me, and we'll work it out. I'll also estimate a turnaround of about a week, depending on length and content.
I'm also offering editorial services. Price for that is negotiable, based on length and content. We can discuss it in comments, via PM, or through email (subluxate@livejournal or subluxate@dreamwidth). Turnaround on that very much depends on length. I can do essays, fiction, letters, and pretty much anything else. I'll do anything from SPAG to grammar to flow, as in-depth as you'd like.
This is a little more urgent than Geena thought it would be, mostly because, well... the whole ER thing. We don't know how much it's going to run us, and we don't know if we'll need to fundraise specifically for that. So if you want fic or editing services, please do let us know.
Edit: As to fandoms, ask if I know it. Ones I can think of off the top of my head are:
- Leverage
- Buffyverse
- Dollhouse
- Firefly/Serenity
- Dr. Horrible
- MASH (movie and show)
- Burn Notice
- The Departed
- Death Race
- Criminal Minds
- Harry Potter
- Holmes
- Sherlock
- How I Met Your Mother
- Modern Family
- Elementary
- MCU Avengers
- Once Upon a Time
This is not remotely a majority. If you want something from anything I haven't listed, please do ask.
This entry was originally posted at
comments at Dreamwidth. I prefer you comment there whenever possible.