EMERGENCY - Life or Death

Nov 12, 2012 18:30

I don't know snowcoma, but I know she's had it hard this year.

Reposted from ashbet:

Originally posted by snowcoma at EMERGENCY - life or death
This is sowelu posting for snowcoma.
She is homeless and has no place to stay. She was hospitalized last night for frostbite and hypothermia after spending the night sleeping outside even with heavy cover, and the shelters don't have enough room (and aren't sufficient when they do). Her purse and medication were stolen. Seattle is not safe at night. She has her phone, which she can charge only when she can use a cell phone store, and has no internet access.

If there is ANYTHING you can do to help her with a place to stay, please contact her at (503) 568-6660. If it doesn't go through, leave a voice mail and she will receive it when she has her phone charged again. This is life and death.

I can transport her anywhere within WA state, much of Oregon, and maybe into Idaho. I may be able to get her transportation elsewhere as well, so please, if you're in the US and have the space, contact her. She is a good housemate and a dear friend, and in desperate need.

****** end original post*****

I know some people are willing to help fund a place for snowcoma to stay. I hope someone can find a place. Please, please at least pass this on. This is absolutely terrifying. She could die. If you can help, either financially or with a place to stay, I'll get you in touch with people who know the situation better than I. I truly wish I could do something more than pass this on.

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