Yuletide, yay!

Nov 14, 2009 19:24

Hello, dear Santa!

This is my first Yuletide, so apologies if I slip up anywhere in my letter. I'm going to try to be as broad as I can while still helping you get an idea of what I like; I know that makes it easier on you.

I like most genres. I'm big on m/m slash, but I also love het, gen, and threesomes or more. Hurt/comfort is sometimes something I really enjoy, though it depends on the fandom. I like kink and smut quite a lot, and kink extends to lifestyle D/s. Angst can be good, depending again on the fandom. Fluff is almost always a good bet. I have a major weakness for kidfic.

The Stand is one of my all-time favorite books, and Frannie and Stu are an OTP. I've always wanted to know what happens with them after the book ends, where they go and what they do, how many kids they end up having. Do they get back to Maine at some point? How about Texas? Do they settle somewhere, or do they travel? You get the idea.

I love the idea of Sam, Fiona, and Michael of Burn Notice as a poly threesome. They all click so well and fit together so very perfectly that it seems natural that they be more than just a working team. I'd like to see how they could become more, if you're up to writing that, or at least seeing what they're like as more.

The Departed is probably my favorite movie ever. My partner refuses to watch it anymore. There was a period when I was watching it nearly every week. I've been aching to find good Dignam/Costigan fic somewhere, of any variety, for some time now. If you could fulfill this one, I would be forever grateful. If it was Dignam/Costigan with Sullivan* as a peripheral character, that would be excellent too.

Basically, my dear Santa, I'm looking forward to whatever you write. I have faith that it will be wonderful and lovely, no matter which fandom you choose to write it in.



yuletide, writing

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