Who Woulda Thought...Anyone Could Write So Poorly?

Jul 24, 2005 00:07

Title: Who Woulda Thought: Trouble In Paradise”, MSTed
Author: The story is by Megan Faye. The MST is by Sara and Kelly.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The M*A*S*H characters find themselves having to read the sequel to “Who Woulda Thought” and they are none too happy about it.
A/N: Here’s the first half of the first sequel, guys--told you we'd get it done. Part one of the first fic is here.

Hawkeye: Another story?
BJ: How much does it hurt to kill yourself?
Sidney: Being a psychiatrist, I should probably caution you against suicide.
Hawkeye: Sidney, how can you still say that after having read that last story?
Sidney: I said ‘should’.
*Kelly and Sara appear with Peg*
Peg: Hi. I’m back.
BJ: Hello, dear.
Sidney: We’re reading another story.
Peg: *dryly* I figured that one out, Sidney.
Charles: If I faint, may I be excused from reading this story?
*Sara and Kelly look at each other*
Sara: Sorry, Charles.
Colonel Potter: Is this story as bad as the other one?
Kelly: It’s a sequel, so yeah.
Charles: Good heavens! Why do you delight in torturing us so?
Sara: Hey, we had to read them, too.
Kelly: Oh! Before I forget. *snaps fingers*
*Radar appears*
Radar: Where am I?
Everyone: Hell.
Radar: Oh.
Sara: *laughs*
Kelly: They’re really so amusing, aren’t they?
Sara: They are.
Kelly: Well, I suppose we should get started.
Sara: You’re right. *snaps fingers, a scroll appears, she hands the scroll to Sidney*
Sidney: Why do I have to read?
Sara: Because you’re my favorite character.
Sidney: You have a weird way of showing your love. Have you ever thought about-
Sara: Don’t push it, Sidney. No shrinking me.
Sidney: *sighs* All right.
Kelly: Well, we’ll be going now!
Sara: Bye!
*Sara and Kelly disappear*
Sidney: I guess we should start.
Charles: Let the pain and torture commence.

Title: Who Woulda Thought II: Trouble in paradise
Author: Megan Faye
Rated: pg 13

Charles: She cannot even capitalize her title properly.
Sidney: We still have expectations?
Charles: Ah, good point.
BJ: I'm beginning to wonder if "Faye" is spelled properly.
Hawkeye: What kind of name is that? It sounds so Sue-ish, you know?
BJ: It really does. "Look at me! I'm special!"
Hawkeye: How bad is that? When your name is Sue-ish.
BJ: And you can't write? It guarantees your story, and any original characters, will be horrible.
Sidney: Poor girl. She was doomed from birth.
Charles: I would feel worse if her stories were not such torture.

Radar lay stretch out in the cot. Thoughts of the one person he loved filled his head. Radar hated Hawkeye for taking BJ. 'He couldn't have known I'm in love with him. But why did Hawkeye have to take him?' He sighed deeply. Radar jumped when the door swung open.

Hawkeye: Radar's in love with BJ. Oh, the suspense!
Radar: Hey! I am not!
BJ: We know, Radar. This writer is really bad.
Charles: He "lay stretch out"? I wish she would at least use proper grammar.
Sidney: Why, exactly, is it so far-fetched that BJ would fall for his best friend than a kid ten years his junior?
Sara’s Voice: He's Radar. Everyone loves Radar. Even though Radar was mildly homophobic. Still!
Kelly’s Voice: That's my favorite aspect of Radar!slash. Then again, I do write Frank!slash, so I really can't talk.
Sara’s Voice: This is true, Kelly. Of course, you make Frank!slash work. Because... you can, y'know... write.
Hawkeye: One of you writes Frank slash? Oh, he’d hate that!
Kelly's Voice: Shall I tell them with whom I slash Frank?
Sara’s Voice: And traumatize them more?
Hawkeye: As long as it's not me.
Kelly's Voice: Was that a yes?
Sara’s Voice: If you want.
Kelly's Voice: Trapper.
Hawkeye: *doubles over laughing*

"Radar, we were all wondering where you got off to. Hey, is everything ok?" BJ asked.

"Uh, yeah. Just a little, um, tired." BJ wasn't buying that.

He pulled up the chair and sat next to the cot. "Problems with your girl in St. Louis?"

"Uh...no...um...um not a thing."

"I don't buy that either. Wanna talk? You'll feel better."

Hawkeye: *stares at the first line* Wrong...so very wrong...
Peg: Radar is pretty convincing here. However did BJ guess something was wrong?
Colonel Potter: Why is Hunnicutt looking for Radar? Pierce was the one he confided in.
Peg: Oh wait! It's convenient for her!
Sidney: The black hole is back!
BJ: I missed it.
Hawkeye: *pets black hole*
Peg: It's so cute and useful.

"BJ, can I tell ya somethin' ? Now promise me you won't tell anyone."

"I swear."

"The only reason I'm with Amy is because of my Ma."

"Why? Don't you love Amy?" BJ sensed something bad had happened between Radar and his mother.

Peg: I am shocked by BJ's powers of observation. Shocked.
Charles: He is rather perceptive, yes?
Sara’s Voice: Not at all his usual sanctimonious-my-problems-are-worse-than-yours self.
BJ: I don’t think she likes me.
Charles: My, you are perceptive!
Kelly’s Voice: Sara, Sara. This is MF!BJ. He has to be perfect.
Sara’s Voice: Oh, duh. I forgot myself. Forgive me.
Kelly’s Voice: I forgive you.

"I do, but not like that. I love her but I'm not IN love with her. My mom told me that if I didn't marry her, I couldn't go home."

"Is Amy pregnant?"

"No. I told Ma about something. I told her I had feelings for someone and she didn't approve."

"Who was she?" Radar became visibly uncomfortable.

"Is it a he?"Radar nodded, now looking even more uncomfortable.

"Is it me?" Radar didn't answer, he just met BJ's gaze knowingly for a moment, and lowered his eyes. "Radar, don't feel bad."

Peg: “She? He? Me?” - Wow. BJ, you could put Holmes out of business.
Hawkeye: And Radar impregnating someone is a likely conclusion to reach. Uh-huh.
Radar: It is not!
Hawkeye: Relax, Radar. I know. That was sarcasm.
Kelly’s Voice: I do see that egotistical!BJ has returned, at least temporarily.

"Oh believe me, I don't. Not about that any way."

"Then what's wrong?"

"Hawkeye has had everything I ever wanted. He had a father, he has a daughter, he has you," Radar said. He paused.

"Hawkeye and my relationship isn't all it was. From December till nearly March, he didn't speak. His father had died. That is what kept us together. We were about to break it off. I hated being so far from Erin and he hated California. We couldn't let anyone of his father's friends find out or anyone from work. It was very hard. I told him goodbye and left. The next day I got a phone call at the hotel I was staying at. Daniel had died. That's the only reason I went back."

Hawkeye: Radar's so sensitive.
Peg: At the end of the first story, Hawkeye and BJ are happy. Where did all these problems come from?
Sidney: *looks at black hole*
Black hole: I confess. It was me.
Colonel Potter: So we have to be told Radar paused. Gee, I thought BJ talked at the same time as Radar.
BJ: You never know. Stranger things have happened.
Charles: Can any imagine Pierce silent for an entire day, let alone more than three months?
BJ: No. It's an amusing image. I see this picture of Hawk exploding.
Hawkeye: Hey! I could do it.
*Everyone looks at him*
Hawkeye: Okay, so maybe I couldn’t.
Sara’s Voice: Well, sanctimonious!BJ is back, at least. Maybe he'll stay?
Kelly’s Voice: Let's hope so. It would be nice to have at least one character IC.
BJ: Why do you keep calling me sanctimonious?
*Everyone looks at him*
BJ: *sighs*

“So how are things now?"

"Rocky. I love him, but I need time now."

"BJ, I don't think this is the right time, but how do you feel about me?" BJ laughed. Radar looked hurt.

"Aw, Radar, I'm not laughing at you. I was pretty much about to ask the same thing about me." Radar smiled. "Radar, how do you feel about me?"

Peg: Same question as earlier--since when are things rocky?
Sidney: Radar is pretty insensitive here. "Oh, he's having problems with his soul mate - hey, maybe he likes me!"
Radar: I would never do that!
Hawkeye: Radar, we know. It’s just a story. Like the one with you and Margaret?
Radar: Oh! I remember! Is this by the same person?
Charles: Most unfortunately, yes.

“Well, pretty much the same way since I picked you up in Kimpo. I always kinda liked ya."

"Kinda?" BJ asked, grinning.

"Ok...ok....I liked ya a lot. If it hadn't have been Hawkeye, would it have ever been me?"

"Ya know what? I think it would. You have everything I like about Hawk, plus some, but not the things I don't like. For one, you aren't almost always drunk. And you are a really sweet guy." BJ said. 'Oh man. I'm falling in love with Radar. Do ya think he'd notice if I ran outa here really fast and pretended we never spoke?' he thought. 'Oh hell. I can't kiss him. I won't. I WON'T!' But after a few minutes of silence, BJ forgot his thoughts and kissed Radar.

Sidney: BJ falls in love with people really quickly.
BJ: And Hawk isn't 'always' drunk. That was Korea. Or, we can ignore what really happened in favor of the black hole.
Hawkeye: And besides, in Korea, Beej was drunk a lot as well.
Peg: Hawkeye! You can't bring up facts! That upsets Megan Faye.
Hawkeye: I'm sorry, I forgot.

"Colonel Potter, where'd BJ go?"

"He said something about checkin' on Radar. The lad looked bothered by something."

"Radar or BJ?"

"Both. Check the office." Hawkeye nodded. He took one of Maggie's hands and they walked over to the office.

Hawkeye: Oh yeah! I forgot they had set up the compound again.
Peg: Which is really weird.
BJ: Extremely.
Colonel Potter: When did I ever call BJ "lad"?
Hawkeye: ...now?
Colonel Potter: Right.
Peg: At least she figured out how to spell "Colonel" instead of leaving us with "Col." again.
Hawkeye: I bet that will change. Ten bucks.
BJ: I'm not taking that bet.
Hawkeye: Ruin all my fun, why don’t you.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw what had become of BJ. He and Radar were kissing. BJ lay him back on the cot as Hawkeye watched. He was speechless. Maggie spoke.

"Bee!" she squealed gleefully as only a baby could in ANY situation.

BJ jumped up. "Hawk!" he cried. "I was, um, I-"

Hawkeye, who was ashen, grabbed Maggie and left. "It was me Hawkeye. It had nothing to do with him!" Radar called after him.

Sidney: Well, Radar, you're kissing him, so I think it has something to do with him.
Radar: This story is real bad.
Charles: Oh, really, O’Reilly? Is it? Thank you for that ever so enlightening observation.
BJ: How does one become a "me Hawkeye"?
Charles: Where have all the commas gone?
Peg: Maggie can be gleeful in any situation. If we poke her, will she still be happy?
Hawkeye: How about we throw her into the black hole?
BJ: We did that last time. Remember the scene with Potter, where she kept vanishing and reappearing?
Hawkeye: Oh, right.

'How could he?' Hawkeye thought. He was storming across the compound. He ran into Potter.

"What's the matter son?"

"Can you take me and Maggie to the airport?"

"Sure. Get you and Hunnicutt's load."

"NEVER say HIS name in my presence! Or RADAR'S!" Hawkeye hollered as he went to clear out the car of his and Maggie's things.

Sidney: What is a "matter son"? Where can I get one?
Charles: Do you think it would be useless to offer commas?
Hawkeye: I don't think she would accept.
Peg: I'm confused. Does Hawkeye never want to hear Radar's name, or does he want Potter to not say BJ's name around Radar?
BJ: Oh, structure. Where art thou?
Colonel Potter: Hiding from the bad writers. I can't say I blame it.
BJ: I guess not.
Charles: There is something very wrong with "you and Hunnicutt's". Could he not have just said "your"?

BJ watched in silence as Hawkeye and Maggie road off with Potter. "I'm sorry Hawkeye." BJ said out loud, even though he was alone. "I'm sorry."

Charles: I am giving up on commas, but you would think she could use the proper "rode".
Peg: I like how Hawkeye just rides away without stopping to talk it out with his supposed soul mate.
Kelly’s Voice: Especially since Hawkeye was the one to talk to him after the whole affair with Carrie...
Sara’s Voice: Pffft, BJ kissed Radar. That's reprehensible, I guess.
Kelly’s Voice: As opposed to, you know, having sex with Carrie. That's just fine.
Peg: *looks at BJ piercingly*
BJ: *winces*

Potter returned later that night. "Colonel where did he go?" Potter just glared at him.

"That's something I can't tell you. Hunnicutt, I think its time for you to leave." Potter turned and left.

"Colonel Potter, wait."

"BJ, how could you do that to him? He loves you. He is so hurt right now. I don't want to look at you. I don't want to see you again for awhile."

Hawkeye: Colonel Potter! Where did your character go?
BJ: We knew you so well.
Colonel Potter: That doesn’t sound like me at all, does it?
Sidney: Not even close.

Part two can be found here, over on my dear Sara's LJ.

mf, mst, public post, bad!fic

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