(no subject)

Sep 23, 2013 20:59

Tell the GOP to stop their obsession with Obamacare.

- The majority of the country is in favor of it
- The Supreme Court upheld it
- The Senate is never going to pass a bill repealing it
- Obama wouldn't sign even if they did
- It is based off Romney's setup in Massachusetts

It is a REPUBLICAN-designed bill, and they're up in arms because the ~Muslim Kenyan Socialist~ president (who is none of those things; he's Christian, he was born in Hawaii, and he's as far from socialist as he could be without switching side) got it passed. If we had a REPUBLICAN president who pushed it through, then it'd be fine. Hell, I'll go so far as to say that if a WHITE Democratic president passed it, then it'd be fine.

Fuck them. Fuck them all. I have no patience left, and I'm pissed, and I'm scared of what's going to happen because the Right can't let go of something that was decided years ago. Decided, in part, by the Right, I'd like to remind them. And now they're holding the country hostage, gun to its head, unless everyone obeys their demands. They're the ones at fault for sequestration, too; they wouldn't negotiate. It had to be their way, or it wouldn't happen.

And this, right now? It makes me sick.

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government, dnw, failtastic, failure, fuck, politics

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