(no subject)

Sep 18, 2013 15:19

I have a medication hangover (hence the polls from earlier), since I took extra meds last night. It knocked out the shoulder pain, mostly, which is such a relief. It had been at 7/10 for three days, and I was worried I'd have to go to the ER for it. It was a post-injection flare, which is apparently the most common side effect from corticosteroid injections. They're supposed to last for two to three days; mine lasted nearly five. I blame the fibro for that. An ER visit would have been to make sure an infection wasn't developing and causing the pain, so I'm particularly glad to avoid that.

Anyway. I'm hungover, mainly from clonazepam (Klonopin), even though I only took 0.25mg. (It probably doesn't help that Geena woke up, no exaggeration, ten times during the night, and I woke up with her every time.) So I'm going to work on a nicely mindless task, namely, editing my tags to consolidate them and to match them up properly. I just wish LJ had a merge function.

I've also defriended some people, mainly on LJ; they were mostly people who haven't posted in some time or whom I just didn't feel a connection with. If you think I've defriended you in error, please let me know. If you want to defriend me today, I won't take it remotely personally. (And the defriending is why this post is public.)

This entry was originally posted at http://subluxate.dreamwidth.org/1730217.html.
comments at Dreamwidth. I prefer you comment there whenever possible.

shoulder, flist, meds, overly involved in dw, pain, fancying this place up, overly involved in lj, side effects

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