Calling Good Samaritans [Repost from arkady]

Jun 16, 2013 13:44

Originally posted by arkady at Calling Good Samaritans (via ashbet)

A plea from one of my daughters, who is trying to raise money for charity. She’s hit a snag: she’s raised the money, but is having issues getting that money paid into her MyDonate page:

“Calling all good samaritans!
This year I’m going to be climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, but to do that I need to raise £2450. I’ve already raised £800, but the problem is that as a child in care I asked for social services to hold the money for me until I needed it, but now they’re being far too slow at giving my money back to me. The deadline for the first amount, £580, is on the 14th in two days. I’ve tried everything I can to get my social worker to talk to me about it but after countless unanswered phone calls and emails, trips in to try and see her in person, it’s come to no avail. The charity director has told me that they can only extend the deadline by three days. So here’s the thing; I would be ETERNALLY grateful if someone out there could find it in their hearts to donate the £580 to my mydonate page with the understanding that I can and will pay them back within the month, and would be willing to pay them back £650 in total for the trouble.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. I know the page looks empty but please remember I have ALREADY raised £800; it just needs to be given back to me! Many, MANY thanks! - Catriona Malbaski”

Even if you can’t afford to help, please reblog this and/or consider donating. Every little will help. Let's see if we can get her MyDonate page to £580 in 5 days.

This entry was originally posted at
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