Feb 26, 2005 23:42
it's sad how sometimes one little mis-understanding/communication can have such a huge affect on a "friendship" to the point where it ruins it.
whatever happened to second chances? forgiveness? compassion? seems like there is less and less of these nowadays days...
as i was sitting on the bus today on my way home, for some reason i started thinking about friendship in general, and what that really meant to me. yes, i may seem to have many so-called "friends", but are they really? when it comes down to it? would they really be by my side when i needed them the most?
my brother gave me this talk a few years back, about all the "friends" i had. i didn't take much of it in. i was just having fun. but now that i come to think of it, i'd say most of my "friends" are more or less like acquaintances or hangout buddies. i suppose as time goes on, you grow older and realize who your true friends are, or at least what you look for in a real friendship, and you learn to weave out the ones that don't suit you.