Going to university usually means, 'I don't know what to do with my life, so I'll go to university.'
A gap year confirms this.
They are delaying tactics.
Some people are lucky enough to know what they want to do early in life.
The majority have great difficulty in putting their assets to useful purpose.
I feel sorry
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i still dont know what to do about the year out. im only wanting to do that to get my head back into gear, earn some money, save up, go back to uni for the final year...or i may not even take a year out.. just get the final year done and dusted... i duno. but following uni i can elope to south america with ya ..u can initiate the naked commune and invent a new introductory handshake involvin peens/breasts and mouths..*pissing myself*.
lets do Brazil. RAAAAAAAAH :)
oh i was battered last night too.. and in the cinema.. not good lol
(ty 4 reply)
*eats* heart shaped scooby snack
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