dream diary

Jan 21, 2006 12:56

last night i dreamt i was pregnant. I was at Ben's house, which looked nothing like his house, and i was talking to yas and we were trying to change some DVD option and ben was ignoring me because he was mad at me. i then tried to go to sleep on the floor and ben finally acknowledged me and got down on the floor with me and tried to have sex with me but the dream then phased into a different scene. I think before that Christ Church was a seeting but i don't remember that part. Afterwards I was in a long line to get some food but people kept butting in front of me. I forgot i didn't get to order and went around to the pick-up line but they never called my name, so I went back around to order and they were closing but they let me anyways because i joked around with them. then i went to the pick-up line and never got what i ordered, but i picked up two sandwiches that i hadn't ordered and was lurking aorund trying to steal more. there was a blonde girl with her face in a bucket.
i scrambled across the parking lot and when i arrived it was a huge building that kind of looked like Seelye hall only fancier with more brown leather and wood. I found my "class" where Maya and some other girls were watching a tv show we'd been assigned to watch, but first commercial break i left and came across this costume department. the lady in charge told me there a bug in there she was afraid of. It was one of those little grey winged buggers, but when it saw me it turned into some knid of sheer sparkly Disney-Fantasia like butterfly. It kept flapping its wings and trying to come at my face so i covered myself with my hands.
I went outside and it was the backyard from my old house on Fremont Avenue. Mandi was out back. I got naked for some reason and laid down on a mossy knoll. My class came out back and they were drunk and I felt jealous. Korin was there and she and Mandi started flipping over each other's backs and horsing around. then we became part of this huuuuuuge naked parade where everyone was holding some kind of sign for their cause. At the end i guess i tried to skip in line but some guards or rent-a-cops kept finding me and putting me with strange people, and I felt really tall and exposed but i looked pretty sexy. at the end i had clothes and my family, including my grandma and her friend Dilene, were driving in the truck back to our house and we saw a jag chauffered by a guy who looked like my unkle. for some reason we were delighted by this and honked at him. when he turned around he didn't look like my unkle but he was really hot and he climbed into our truck and the people he was chauffering kept calling him and being mad. he looked at me a lot and i liked that. i think that is about where my dream ends.
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