Nov 03, 2005 11:00
i’ve been waiting so long
to be where I’m going
in the sunshine of your love love love
the past 5 days have been a whirlwind of fun, life, love, and a strange brew of everything that is good, beautiful, and true.
on thursday night/friday morning, dave and i got in a fight over the telephone (phone fights=the dumbest kind), about something silly i'm sure and as a result, already forgotten. friday was dreary, and i came home after work to just pass out. i had almost drifted off to sleep, when around 8 pm, i got a text msg from dave that said to come outside. i left my apartment and he was there waiting for me on the street in the rain, to tell me he'd taken off work on saturday and come to see me, and everything was okay again, just like that. on saturday, we went to ghostbusters in queens, at the same venue where unify was. the venue was filled to capacity and beyond, and we and a million other raver kids waited outside for hours. around 1:30 am, we gave up and went back to my apartment. sunday was a day to remember forever. we created our own personal tour of chinatown and ate an 1/8 of shrooms to begin with. instead of sticking to the usual chinatown haunts (i.e. canal street where all the small vendors sell their wares, cheap jewelry and the like), we went to the underground places where we wanted to go. we went to a couple video game stores, then we went to satellite records on bowery, then the shrooms kicked in and we both peaked at chinatown arcade, which is really a time travel portal, according to me. you know how, back in the day, before everyone had their own gaming systems and people still went out instead of shutting themselves up with computers and ipods and no fresh air, there used to be arcades, where people would skip school and play games and battle with one another and eat sheets of acid? or so my boyfriend informs me. anyways so we found chinatown arcade on mott street - a part of chinatown that actually looks like chinatown, not the glorified tourist-y chinatown. speaking of which, i recently watched gremlins, and i'm fairly convinced that i found the little store where gizmo lives. i was so so convinced i'd found gizmo on my trip.. i was shrooming face like woah :) chinatown arcade was the perfect place to shroom. it was a surreal time portal and it was overwhelming to the senses, but in a good way.
The gamers are overwhelmingly Asian, probably about 10% black and Hispanic from the nearby projects, an occasional whiteboy. All in a general atmosphere of friendly competition and general happiness - just another one of those places that makes NYC easy to get through when you're feeling like taking hostages and shooting them one by one.
we decided dave was the "occasional whiteboy" as he really was the only white person at the arcade, and i was the occasional shrooming ambiguously raced indian girl. we took a really cute picture at a photo booth, and we both look so happy and i love it. then dave played a few arcade games, 25 cents for a game old-school style, and i stared at the bright colors on the screen and fell into the games shroom face first. then we sat outside the arcade in the gutter, and people didn't really seem to mind, although once a group of obviously very lost european tourists walked by as i pointed to the sky and said to dave, "look at the space ship!", which at the time there really was one in the sky even though the tourists didn't think so. by this time, it was nightfall and all the bright lights looked so so pretty, and even the thugs selling drugs outside the arcade proved very amusing. then dave had like $100 and instead of using it to contribute towards paying his lawyer, or paying off his thousands upon thousands in credit card debt and very overdue bank loans, or paying off his new car, or getting his license or registration unsuspended, or getting car insurance, or saving for an apartment where he doesn't have a crackhead roommate who transforms the place into a grimy crack den from wednesdays to saturdays, we decided to buy new kicks! we went to a really cool shoe store, which incidentally, we tried to locate yesterday and couldn't find meaning it must also be a disappearing time portal-esque place. so we bought (for him) 1 really cool pair of adidas kicks and 1 alright pair for work.
on sunday night, we both went back to fishkill just to sleep and i left early monday morning to come back to the city in time for work. about an hour after i left, while i was still on the train, i got a phone call from dave saying that he'd cut his hand and at work, they gave him the choice to go home so he'd hopped on a train back to the city (we're so impractical and pressed when it comes to seeing each other), and in a few hours, we were together again. he came to my job and laughed because i do literally nothing at all, then i went to 1 class while he waited for me in the park, then he waited at starbucks while i went to my sorority mtg. it felt like we were a normal couple, who didn't just see each other 1 night/week and instead got to see each other at normal hours and in between classes and go out to lunch and just be happy. so monday was.. HALLOWEEN!!! at night, we went to see the parade in the village. if you've never been in nyc on halloween, then it's hard for me to convey how fucking crazy it gets. me and dave concluded that there was a thug-producing machine that was ejecting tons and tons of thugs out on the streets of the village where they usually don't roam, due to a total lack of affordable housing.
funny shit:
*a thug to a guy dressed up as a baseball fury (warriors movie reference, if you don't get it, go watch the damn movie. and don't wait a year until the remake comes out, go watch the fucking original.): "baseball fury- are you looking for the warriors? i know where the warriors are, they're over there- disguised in cop uniforms."
*drunk mexican dudes standing behind us:
to girl dressed as a bee: "bumblebee, come and sting meee"
to dude as doctor: "doctor, i have a fever, come and cure me with your fine self!!"
these guys hollered at literally EVERYONE, whether they were guys, girls, old women, or children. it was absolutely fucking insane and intensely amusing. one of the guys walked up to 2 cops and doused them in a bottle of water as a fuck-da-police gesture, and instead of running away immediately, he was so drunk that he smiled and started salsa-dancing right in front of them with a come-hither look as he tempted them to arrest him.
*a crazy-eye guy in wash. sq. park asked us if we wanted any weed, and then looking us over again and taking in my millions and millions of candy bracelets changed it to "i've got ecstasy and acid too!!"
*the OVERSEER of wash. sq. park = creepiness confirmed.
*obviously strung out guy amidst a lot of sober folks in union square: "what the fuck is wrong with everybody? everybody in new york is strung out now, i can't fucking take it. everyone's strung out tonight except me!!"
*holleration which makes no sense because i was with my boyfriend and when we're together we're obviously happy and in love and holding hands and kissing and acting the way that i find annoying in other couples because i'm a hypocrite in that way.
a. homeless guys at rescue mission to dave (did i mention that my apartment is across from a correctional facility aka jail, left of family court, and right of a homeless shelter?? gotta love housing!!): "damn, you're a lucky man. AND you've got good taste!!"
b. random guy to dave: "oh shit.. move over and let roberto take over!!"
c. thug guy: "she's sexy right there"
then dave gave him the middle finger
d. thugs at canal st station: "girl, you got any black in you? you ever had any black in you? you want some black in you? then LOSE YA MAN!!"
dave muttered "niggers" which i'm usually against but again, fucking disrespectful assholes maybe deserve it.
after the parade, we wandered around the village for a while just taking in all the crazy people and the costumes and the ambiance of it all. then dave got really sad because he had to leave and he looked so so sad. fishkill=death. his life there really sucks, and we both know it. telling him it was almost time to go when i wanted him to stay forever and ever was like throwing my helpless crying baby into shark-infested waters.
so we went to my room and passed out and spent the whole day sleeping tuesday. meaning neither of us went to school or work again.. fuck responsibility? throwin my cares to the wind is liberating, until the day after. we went out for a nice dinner at spice, my favorite thai restaurant. we actually had a $35 dinner. it was the first time we'd ever eaten at a restaurant in the 6 months we've been together, and i decided not to worry about money that night and we ordered what we wanted and oh it was so good. then we went to jamba juice and bought smoothies and sat in union square and talked until midnight. as always, we won the cutest couple at union square contest. we also won the cutest couple in the village on halloween contest according to a lady who walked by and was like "y'all is so cute!" then finally, after 5 days, on tuesday night, he had to leave :(
i had such a fun beautiful extended weekend with my true love. the weather was so nice and sunny on top of it all. i love the feeling of actually living, being excited about my life and the moment at hand, wandering around the city with the sweet sweet love of mine, feeling like anything is possible, seeing the bright lights glow under the influence of hallucinogens, having adventure after adventure.. i don't know but just sometimes everything can feel so lovely, and i feel that i'm really alive.
in her own mad mind, she's in love with you