It feels weird being home on a Monday.
The past month or so I've been on a sorta diet. It's not so much an actual calorie-counting diet as just me slowly cutting down the amount I eat, cutting out the junk . . . just changing my terrible eating habits in general. Having a salad for lunch, only eating two meals if one of them is fatty, not eating after 8pm, that sort of thing. I've been doing reasonably well - I manage most days. But it's got me thinking about where all these terrible eating habits of mine come from - certainly depression is partly to blame, as it led me down the dark path of "comfort eating." And my love of alcohol is surely a culprit as well. But you know who a big part of the blame goes to? My parents.
I usually hate when people over the age of like, 20, whine about their parents screwing them up; that's what parents DO after all, you gotta just grow up and move on, I say. But seriously? Most of my worst eating habits were developed when I was little. I am absolutely 100% addicted to soda and caffeine - when I was little my parents let me drink all the soda I wanted, and did you know that I started drinking coffee every morning when I was ten? Is that normal?
And my family LOVES take out and fast food. We get it at least once a week; sometimes more. I was raised on McDonalds. A few weeks ago I was in the McDonald's drive thru with my dad and I remembered something - when I was little, my preferred meal of choice was a 20 pc. Chicken McNugget. And they got it for me every time - and I ate the whole thing every time.
I turned to my dad and said "why on EARTH did you let me do that? No wonder my metabolism is so horrible. I've been binge eating fast food since I was a child!"
"You were hard to say no to."
Really, dad? I mean, I don't know, I'm not a parent, so I can't say. But for those of you who are - would you? I can't imagine so.
I'm not saying my parents are bad parents, it's just . . . I feel like if they put more effort into forcing me to eat and drink healthy food when I was a kid, I wouldn't be so messed up in the weight department. They say that fast food can be as much of an addiction as drugs and alcohol - I'm not sure that's entirely true, at least in a physical sense, but it's certainly an addiction in its own way.
I know the biggest step I need to take diet-wise right now is to stop drinking soda and just drink water. But GOD I'm just so damn addicted to my mountain dew! And it also doesn't help that I don't really *like* water all that much, and no, I don't like those flavored vitamin water things either.
I broke down and bought a ticket for Glee live in June. Last summer I went to see Gaga by myself - I stayed overnight in a nice hotel, went out to eat, saw GAGA - it was like a little one-day ME-cation and it was so relaxing and I kinda want to do it again. So I coughed up $150 for a ticket . . . it's like, one of those "VIP" sections, like the really high-up box seats? So the view will kinda suck, but it'll be sorta nice to not be squished in with 100 other people in a 20 ft. radius, plus no lines for drinks and toilet.
I'm also thinking of getting tickets to see Britney. I dunno though . . . I mean, I'm not a HUGE fan, and I know she lip synchs live, and given what she's been like lately I know her performance in general will be lackluster. But the cheapo tix are *supposedly* going to be only $30, which I think is reasonable to see Britney Spears lipsynch lol. I just think it'd be fun to see her in person, and I'd also really love to see Nicki Minaj, who is supposed to open (although I imagine she'll do a short set. :/) I don't know. I'm trying to keep the number of concerts I go to down, because I spent crazy $$$ last year on them (gaga, rihanna+ke$ha, florence, marina - jesus I'm lucky I had money left to pay my bills.) Plus I'm guessing Gaga is gonna tour again this year, which I'll obviously HAVE to go to because it'll be all her new songs. So maybe I'll pass. UGH I can't make up my mind. If the cheapest tickets ending up being in the $50+ range I think I definitely will pass. I just love concerts so much - I wish to god they were a cheaper endeavor. Damn my newfound love of shitty pop music. :(
But yes GLEE LIVE OMFG! 8D Leah and Darren and Naya in the flesh! I am EXCITE. Did anybody manage to see them tour last year? I'm wondering what it's gonna be like.
Also, have a book rec: I don't manage to get through many books these days, but I happened to randomly pick this one out at Borders recently and read it through in one sitting:
The Housekeeper and the Professor. It's short, simple, and sentimental in a light and gentle way, as opposed to heavy and melodramatic. It's touching, but not moving- if that makes sense. I don't know, I just really, really liked it and think a lot of you would too. :)