Jan 25, 2011 02:26
Didn't eat today, haven't had any money in about 2 weeks or so. luckily Kenneth had a BBQ yesterday, him and his sister Kimmie. I didn't bring anything as expected. I ate well though. Steak and brats and pasta, first piece of meat I've had in weeks, maybe all month. It's hard to sleep on an empty stomach. It's harder to sleep when every thought in your head is about your upcoming final moments. Can't stop thinking about these things late at night. Wish I had someone to share my bed with so I could take my mind off it. Never shared my bed. My mouth has this weird taste for a few months, I started noticing it when I first saw my white tongue. It's like I can taste blood on my gums, or in my mouth. I brush once or twice a day, I guess it's not as necessary if you don't have food gunking up the teeth, but I still do it and take my multivitamins.
Mom and Dad mailed a check for $700 again. I used to make twice that in a month, would spend some on rent and save the rest, and still eat pretty well. Then I got less and less hours per month, and things started happening to my car, until my savings were all dipped out. Tomorrow I go and deposit it off, first thing, then go to Trader Joe's and buy back some groceries I ate off Jamie while they were gone. Then get myself a few things. Can't wait to have a hot meal again. Or a cold one. I've been reading about this "Engagement Chicken" that came out a few years back. I'm sure no one will ever make it for me, so I'm gonna try my hand at it. I'm a pretty good cook, and it's cheap, so I can make it happen. But tomorrow is another application day. Also the day I hear back, or not hear back, about my future part-time career in shoe sales.