Soft...In The Manly Cool Kind Of Way

Dec 06, 2006 20:56

When I was in Koln, Germany there were a group of girls holding up signs with German words I couldn't read. At first my friends and I thought they were protesting. Later on we found out that they were just giving away free hugs!! Yes! Beautiful German women were just voluntarialy giving away hugs to anyone that wanted one. Well i got 2 and it made my whole day. I really underestimate the power of a hug. I don't mean those weak light ones either. I mean the real warm embraces that leave you feeling special for hours after. I can admit that I was a Momma's boy who got hugs and cherishing words everyday. But I can guarentee you if even of ya'll knew my Mom then you would remember her hugs forever. I learned from her. She knew how to transfer so much love between her arms. She didn't care if you were'nt her child. If you really wanted a hug she gave it to you and put her entire heart into it.

I had a friend name Marissa here that could hug like my Mom. She had alot of her strong Motherly qualities. Whenever I would have a bad day she would see it and give me a long ass hug. It made everything else easier to get through. Now she's back in Cali taking care of here son. He doesn't know what he's in store for. Those hugs will cure a thousand tear drops throughout his childhood.

So for you who think that everything is held in a kiss, think again. Its the hugs that show true emotions behind someones intentions. One love fam!! Peace


Shirley Ann Smith
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