Mar 20, 2007 15:40
FUCK SHIT GOD DAMN son of a bitch whore bag slut cunt!
I just feel like fucking freaking out right now, how is it that theatre seems to do that to you- oh so well? oh lets change rehearsal time so some one can work at the lodge serving the fucking tourists of our town shaking their ass for tips for an extra hour? you know what that means for me, I miss simpsons I dont get to say goodnight to my dad etc etc....yeah yeah not a big deal BUT WE FUCKING AGREED TO THAT. not change, thats what WE AGREED TO god damnit I am fucking pissed. These days I go to bed early, hella fucking early. this is shit, this play is shit that class is shit. were not productive anymore, morons run their mouths continuously, and I have to change for gah and you know what mr j says 'emily company first' no no, you mean hilary first...lets change our world for hilary who already knew about this when she took that fucking job damnit. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK I hate shit right now! I hate guest speakers that wanna talk about stupid shit and attempt to be inspirational, and give away t shirts, and talk about how great kanye west is. I fucking hate seeing this chick who I was best friends with finally at a close proximity in school walk by me and smile like we dont speak the same language. I miss you damnit and if you dont miss me than wtf happened? I hate having to listen to rap music all the time, I hate listening to racist sexist SHIT from an intelligent person. I hate that my life if falling apart and I am totally alone in my joy and sorrow. I hate the teachers I hate all these people moving into my town and I just hate living right now. I am trying and there are days- but fuck man.