Mar 11, 2006 08:14
god I am being such an emo kid.
My heart hurts, and I was all alone last choice
what the fuck is wrong with me latley?....all I want to do is be retarded like before and I cant even do that.
I feel really, isolated. And stupid. really really stupid.
I just want to wake up one day and have my friends call me again, and not be here but thats just not going to happen and I just keep thinking that somewhere I changed and it was like totally gay and everyone hates me now. I just wanted to keep listening to shitty music last night and cry isnt that just the worste stupid thing ever, yeah it is. It kills me I havent felt this way since I was like 13, and at the same time I feel really, mostly- pretty fucking awesome. But On the weekends it like I have to remember that i have no friends now and that all those cool things I used to do are gone and I just have to make them for myself. I just wish that I didnt feel this way or that I could just bite the bullet quite smoking and hang out with some other people. or something
my heart hurts, one of the worste things that could ever happen to like cherry on top the shittyness sunday happened. I could feel it anyway