Mar 20, 2006 22:13
Originality is rare these days.
You must expose your children to germs. Otherwise, they will never build an immune system. It is proven that people exposed to animals and other allergins have a very low chance of developing allergies
A.D.D. does not exist. In my opinion, "A.D.D." is a fancy way to describe children who dont know how to pay attention in a mannerly fashion. (More than likely the parents only stimulated their developing minds using Nickelodeon instead of physcially and mentally encouraging them to learn) But doctors would rather tell parents that their children have a disorder and prescribe medication, thus, providing the doctor with more money. . and yes, people will listen to doctors, even though few doctors care about actual health. Medicine isnt good for you, its just bad for whatever causes the illness.
Everything is about money.
Most recipes for hot dogs combine together a tasty blend of favorite meats, meat fat, a cereal filler which could be either bread crumbs, flour, or oatmeal, a little bit of egg white, and a mouth-watering array of herbs and seasonings including garlic, pepper, ground mustard, nutmeg, salt, and onion. Contrary to belief that they are made from scraps found on the floor at meat plants.
Things that seem unessecary are nessecary, and when you turn the tables- Things that seem nessecary are unessecary.
Share your weed. Don't be stingy you freakin potheads. .what else do you got to lose?
People are strange.
Never ever, ever do timeshares.
Brush your teeth.
Yeah well, thats about it, I had alot of ideas but I got tired too quick.
one more.
Murphy's Law will never fair. So find a loophole.