Jun 28, 2008 23:08
I nearly got my bag stolen in Ho Chi Minh... was walking back to my guesthouse at night and this guy on a motorbike came past, slowed down.. I heard him right behind me... thought it was a typical mototaxi but this hand came out of nowhere and tried snatching my bag off me. I sorta just acted instinctively and held on to it, my friend grabbed me and pulled me away from him.. lucky my bag was the kind that goes over the opposite shoulder so he couldn't pull it off. My precious wallet with *everything* was in there so I'm thanking the heavens that the arsehole didn't get it. Had there been two of them...? I'm a bit paranoid now, it really shook me up :/
Hello Dalat, we got here yesterday, a town in the mountains... oh a breath of fresh air! :) Spent today exploring... we visited this beautiful chinese pagoda and the gardens. The conical hats are so nice to look at and very symbolic of this country, a lot of women wear them.
We leave tomorrow with our motorbike guys.. after much indecision we finally realised that touring the highlands of central Vietnam, is best done on the back of a motorcycle, so we arranged it with two guys from the easy riders group here. Should be wicked, I'm excited!