coming soon.
BEST FRIEND. Even if it may be a little one-sided, Gamzee considers Karcrabby to be his BFFL. History between the two of them is foggy, but Gamzee is always looking out for the little guy.
neoplasms MORE TEXT HERE
Met through SBURB! They haven't talked much, but she seems nice.
okwithit Best bro's best bro! They've talked a few times through SBURB and he seems chill enough.
seeiingdouble His favorite fantastic, flippered friend! Feferi's ---EXCIT---EM---ENT!!! has always been extremely contagious for Gamzee, and he always feels happy when she's around!
mostpopulargil Equius is always a dependable broha. He may be a little jagged around the edges but that's probably just 'cause he's been too rough from being STRONG all the time.
b100_b100d Eridan's his little emotionally-susceptible buddy. Gamzee's always willing to lend an ear or two to help out his maritime melancholy mate and his woes.
ageaaquarius Kanaya is always a fresh face to behold! She's refreshing in that she provides a lot of space for Gamzee to be himself and not care much about his boundaries, but still manages to keep him well in line. Very mellow, this one.
jadelipstick "uH... i'M nOt aLl ThAt GoOd At ThAt RpInG bUsInEsS, sO i DuNnO iF vRiSkA's AlL tHaT mOtHeRfUcKiN' iNtO bEiNg BrOs AnD aLl. :o( i'M sTiLl gIvInG iT mY mOtHeRfUcKiNg AlL tHoUgH! iT'd Be ThE bEsT mOtHeRfUcKiN' mIrAcLe I dId PaRtAkE iN: fRiEnDsHiP."
dualn8ured "dAmN! i HaVeN't SeEn My MoThErFuCkIn' FeLiNe FuUuUrRiEnD aNyWhErE! :o("
rawrplay nemesis.
strironic John's a pretty cool guy! They spend math together having some intense doodle war on their notes. (Yes, Gamzee is still in middle school grade math.)
adorabluh Not much of an opinion here yet. She and KK are having some massive downage between them though.
precursed Who....................
lunchmuffs CROSS-FANDOM CR.
mermaidswish MORE TEXT HERE
♦, bordering ♠
detectinglies MORE TEXT HERE
zeroexposure MORE TEXT HERE
floweringknight MORE TEXT HERE
goingtobed MORE TEXT HERE
notbyfaithalone MORE TEXT HERE
liveinshade MORE TEXT HERE
verrouillefille MORE TEXT HERE
superboobies EXTRA SEGMENTS:
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