Title: Request of Heaven
daisiesdaily (aka
Rating: G
Word Count: 257
Genre: Supernatural gen, pre-series
Summary/Prompt: Mary always told Dean before she died that angels were watching over them. What if Castiel was the angel that has always watched over Sam and Dean?
Disclaimer: Kripke owns the characters. I own nothing, sadly.
Author's Note: Written for
this comment fic post. I'm seriously debating on making this into a verse.
"Please, God. This is all I ask of you."
Mary felt the slight shift in the wind. She turned around to see a fellow angel standing before her.
"Mary?" He spoke in a deep, raspy voice.
"Yes," she responded, nodding her head once. "And you are my answer?"
"My name is Castiel." He walked toward her, his eyes fixated on her's. He stopped when he was a foot away. "Who am I to look after?"
"Dean and Sam," she said, her voice almost breaking as she said their names. "My sons. I know what John is about to venture into, and they need protection."
Castiel tilted his head, slight confusion on his face. "What about John? No one to look after him?"
Mary sighed and looked down through heaven's floor. She could picture John sitting in a rented apartment, doing research as the boys slept in their beds. It was only a few months ago that she was down there, with them. "John knows what he's doing. He'll be alright."
"I sense that you are not happy."
"Would you be?" Mary's face suddenly went stern. "Knowing what your lover was about to subject your children to?" She finally looked at Castiel again.
There was a moment of silence between them. A sort of unspoken understanding. Mary's eyes were pleading.
"Please, Castiel. Do whatever you can to keep them safe as long as possible."
"I will protect them." He nodded. His right hand connected to her left shoulder. He gave it a gentle squeeze. "You have my word."