Title: Mac & Cheese
daisiesdaily (aka
Rating: PG
Word Count: 344
Genre: Supernatural RPF
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary/Prompt: Jared and Jensen, cooking dinner. Maybe attempting something complicated. Up to you whether they succeed or not.
Disclaimer: Don't know them. Never happened. Its called fiction for a reason.
Author's Note: Written for
this comment fic post.
"Are you sure this is how it's done?" Jensen pushed his glasses up his nose while he examined the recipe he was holding. His hand dropped, quickly taking the paper away from his face. "Where did you get this again?"
"Rachael Ray." Jared glared at Jensen at the same time as Jensen rolled his eyes. He knew that was going to be his reaction. "I've been following that recipe completely. Except, you know, leaving out a few ingredients I know you don't like. What's the next step?"
Jensen watched as Jared lifted the water and noddle filled pot off the stove and swung around, emptying the contents into a strainer already sitting in the sink. Jensen then skimmed over the steps Jared had completed.
"Uh, remove sauce from heat..." Jensen paused and checked the pots on the stove for what was supposed to be the "sauce," then continued. "...and whisk in a cup of each cheese. Add the pasta and toss to combine."
Jared did as he was told. Whisking, adding, tossing. "That's it? It's done then. Get the plates, please."
Jensen reached for the cupboard cross the room from him and placed two plates on the counter next to Jared's masterpiece. He opened the fridge and dug around for a beer as Jared began to scoop the food out of the pot. He looked up when he heard Jared mumble, "well, shit."
"What's up?"
"The cheese isn't sticking to the macaroni." The spoon in Jared's hand hovered over the pot, the melted cheese slid slowly until it fell.
"What'd you do wrong?" Jensen asked, eyeing the falling cheese.
"I don't know... I really don't." Jared looked more than a little bummed.
Jensen stepped up next to Jared and hugged him. "I'm sorry, bud. Thanks for trying?"
Jared sighed. "Yeah, whatever."
"Maybe we should make the recipe with EVERYTHING it asks for next time, just to be sure it'll be done right." Jensen picked up a string of cheese (that still came off the noodles more than freely) and strung it across Jared's nose.