Ardent, seductive, spicy, salacious, wanton, incorrigible, lascivious raw scurrilous

Jul 23, 2012 13:35

uh oh. enchanted
slanted eyes
and sideways
you love this
french kissing
till a twist finds itself
smoldering like fire
in the guts
i get a legitimate
physical reaction
even when you speak
dont melt me lovely
i want to be here with you
if simply
just to sense you
and i need this.
touching loving fucking
i need this
physical acknowledgment
set heavy to rest upon the soul
or mind
or however you define
that inner voice and fire
that you might as well
end up
wearing it
on your fingertips
tips of lips
hips and the way you kiss
hungry i could call it
and what this is
we both want
in a way just to stop the starve
that we both have just begun.
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