Born This Way

Apr 30, 2011 15:20

So I found this application for my iPod that let's me post entries from my iPod! Sweet, right. But in other news, I have big news! For graduation, I'm headed back to the motherland, New Jersey. I have a full week in my childhood home AND my Aunt Claudia scored us Glee: Live tickets! I should be estatic, and I am, but I feel funny about it lately. I really want to audition for muscials/plays while I'm there. Which brought me to the speculation, why spend five years of my life on a degree that is a back up? Sure, teaching is fun, but I've got eyes on the prize. After careful consideration, I've decided to stick to the plan. Just because my idols got into their prime early, doesn't mean I can't do that. But each semester, I'll spend a week in NYC, auditioning and learning. This summer, I'll spend time learning to dance and drilling monolouges. Now that the plan is set though, I'm ready to graduate and move on with my life. A life away from evil ex-boyfriends, terrible soloists and bigoted directors. I just know I'm meant for the stage and nothing is going to keep me from it.

Rant aside, last weekend turned out well. Prom was incredibly fun and I got the "Rachel Berry" award at the choir banquet. I also clinched a superior rating at my last state vocal contest. All in all it was a weekend full of crazy dancing and no regrets. This week has been slighty different, however. Even right now I'm typing this in my Algebra III class. We are on a schedual for finals that involves three class days with two hour blocks. So today I had two hours of Wind Ensemble, English and Math. Which kinda means my day sucked after Wind Ensemble, ha.

We played O Magnum Mysterium today by ourselves. It was interesting, listening for the breathing patterns of the musicians on either side, bobbing your head to the beat to keep a tempo and closing your eyes to hear the music better. We are attempting to put heart in it, which is great but so many people hate the piece...I don't know if it will happen. I understand the lesson, how we have to connect with each other on a deeper level to really make the music speak. It is vitally important to me, to all of us, but no one seems to see the bigger picture. That is certainly something that band has taught me the last four years and it's such a helpful skill.

Speaking of skills, I've recently become involved in something I'd probably never do otherwise. But I've come to see being a performer means jumping outside of your comfort zone. So I agreed to join my friend Landry and several other girls in a huge Lady Gaga mash-up dance number behind the vocals of Kevin, our sexually ambiguous baritone diva. It's wild and sexy and crazy and awkward and funny. I'll be dressed as Bad Romance Gaga, which means red sparkely spanx, lace and glitter for me. But I'm so tired of being a category. If I can accomplish anything in the last few weeks in highschool, it's breaking the mold. Wish me luck.

via ljapp

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