May 06, 2013 16:27
I'm going to start by just jumping in. I'm getting the garden ready to go. Just turning the dirt and getting that good 'dirt' smell. I've thrown out some crawfish traps, but so far, I only caught a small (3-4 inch) catfish, which now resides in a fishtank. I haven't caught any crawfish at all, which is kind of a bummer, but it is still a little early yet.
The ambulance job is going well, but I've done a couple shifts at a new base, which, to be blunt, sucks. The calls are all the same, intubations & IVs are intubations & IVs whether you're in Boston, New York, LA, or any small rural town. The base itself is just physically lousy, not at all a comfortable place to spend 24 hours.
I broke down and got my daughter a cell phone. She's 12, and we talked about the rules, she seems to be doing alright with it. The first billing cycle I knew was going to be high, what with a new toy and all, but holy crap. We nipped that in the bud real quick. She can only bring it to school on days I'm on shift. If I'm home, she doesn't need to bring it with her.
There's nothing romantic going on, but there's a girl at work who's cool to talk to. A few things: I'm okay with a little age gap, but in this case she's 19, so, um, no. I don't get to work with her too often, as she's a Basic & I'm a Medic (2 different levels of EMS). One thing I do need to say is has got these incredibly gorgeous blue eyes. No, seriously, you actually have to try not to stare.
I was randomly drug tested the other day. They shaved part of my leg for the hair. I'm not worried about it, the most illicit thing I've ever done is Tylenol PM. Whiskey on the other hand...
I've strung a coulpe of the new bows. They shoot nice. Now, I'm looking on craigslist for truck loading ramps, the kind you drive lawn tractors into the back of pick up trucks with. I also keep for looking fancy chess sets and good deals on bows (still).
I drove my folks to Logan Airport in Boston last week. I go tonight to pick them up. They had gone to
the Grand Canyon with a side trip to Vegas with old friends that currently live on the West Coast. My folks are getting older, older in the sense that they're starting to see some of their friends die off. In this day & age of the internet, finding people is a lot easier, and they've tried to track down people to see again, at least see them some where other than calling hours for a lost friend. I'm glad they have this opportunity.
As for me, one day rolls into the next.
Ako hindi tamaan ka at umasa ka ay balon.
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