Feb 23, 2012 16:22
I've always believed in live and let live. The only stipulation is when the idea involves hurting others, such as NAMBLA. Those guys can try to justify what they do all day long, and they will still be wrong in the end.
Lately, though, politicians have been driving me nuts - more than usual. The "debates" have wasted countless hours of television resulting in nothing learned. I'm tired of hearing how people are going to "fix America". America may have hit some rough times, as we have in the past, but we're not broke. The way these guys (I'm not even going to specify Republican vs. Democrat), but these guys spent/spend more time complaining about each other than dealing with anything relevant. Then consider that these guys, the ones vying for their group's nomination, are all on the same team! All this time they spend attacking each other, they forget that they're on the same side. They forget that we all are. Not to mention the debates seem more like a game show than the forum they were meant to be. Remember when the stage was blue with brown backdrops, nice wooden podiums, the American flag on the side? Now it seems like Vanne White should be out there. Too much neon and flash, not enough (relevant) facts. Maybe they should get Alex Trebek to be the moderator. Then, they all claim to be able to fix the economy, so why haven't they? They are in positions of power already, maybe not the office of the president, but they hold political office. Why haven't they used their solutions yet? They are acting like the kid on the playground saying "I'll take care of this, if you do this for me." So, if they don't get their party's nomination, or if they don't win the presidency, are they going to be immature and say "No, I'm not going to help, I'm taking my ideas and leaving." How are these guys going to "fix America" when they can't get along with each other, and again, they're supposed to be on "the same team"?
For that matter, those who voted for Obama becuase he's black are just as racist as those who didn't vote for him because he's black. If that was the only reason to vote for him, then maybe they should do more research. Can these people who claim the race card as giving him a chance say where he was a Senator or Representative before going to the White House? Can they tell if he was a Senator or Representative? Don't get me wrong, I like Obama. He had a pretty good track record prior to becoming president. Graduate of Harvard Law, Co-working on the Federal Transparency Act, and some other good things, too. No, I didn't think he'd resolve economic issues in the first few months of office, truth is no one can. We are too far in to have a magic fix. However, the above mentioned Transparency Act may have helped by accounting for money in federal programs. What's worse, that he did this, or that it had to be done? What about his military service? Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces, can the people who use the race card say what branch he served in? Again, I like the guy, he's trying to do what needs to get done, but then we run into the "problem" of a Democracy - no one guy makes all the decisions (he just gets the blame when it goes wrong).
Sorry for the rant. I know this is far from the typical dribble I spill out here. The game show/debate the other night just really irritated me.
The whole political system, in principle, still works. Right now, though, it just seems as though there is too much "self interest" involved.
political crap