The state at present...

Apr 22, 2009 21:00

Knee is much better, so I've stopped wearing the support, as it was kind of uncomfortable.  But I have it in case we do yet more crazy knee stuff in fitness.  Or in kendo.  Also I have a problem set I need to do tomorrow, and I need to do laundry.  I did take a shower, though.  I'm trying to keep up with that, as I've noticed my hygiene tends to suffer when I'm in a down state.

I still feel just...exhausted.  No matter how much I sleep, I still want to sleep.  I feel out of sorts, either unhappy or blank or on edge.  Just--not good.  It's not super-bad or anything, just...not good.  I occasionally feel like I'm going to cry, or like I want to cry, but it doesn't happen.  Which is sort of frustrating, actually.  I used to be able to cry...

But anyway.  Turned in the paper.  Got all my courses except poetry, that was full, so I went for...screen writing, I think, instead.  So that's fine.  I'm doing the things I need to do, I guess.  For now.  ...I'm so tired.

mood state, classes, sleep, health

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