But in fairness, I have the day off for Veteran's Day which threw me off, and also it's been a very, very, very long week.
I am...okay? At this point? There's nothing to do but carry on. Well, I say that now, I thought I was fine yesterday and ended up crying myself to sleep, so who knows. But I think I'm okay. It's just a lot to accept. I may not live to see the day when I have full rights as a citizen of my own country, but so did many, many people who came before me. And I live in Massachusetts, I'm insulated from a lot of what might happen. There are a lot of people at much higher risk, though.
I actually feel most worried about action on climate change. Everything else, we can take action, people can agitate for laws, people can protest things, there's various tools that exist. But if we screw up the Paris Accords, I don't see a lot of hope that we will actually prevent warming from reaching 2 degrees. Or even higher, long term...and this is something we have no means to fix. We have no means to lower the average global temperature, we have no way to unmelt the icecaps, we just do not have the means to go backwards on this. All we can do is prevent it from getting worse, and I see no hope that we will actually take the action necessary to do that. The Repubs control all three branches of government (assuming a conservative judge is appointed to the Supreme Court, which seems likely) and they've been strongly against climate change measures for years. I see no particular reason why that would suddenly change now. If we screw this up we'll be causing problems we cannot solve that will cause enormous suffering for future generations. It's just hard to face that.
Other than that...there's really nothing else to say this week, that's all I've been thinking about. I'm baking a cake tomorrow, two coworkers have birthdays next week. So that'll be a nice break. Trying to catch up on NaNo wordcount, I just couldn't focus on writing this week and got way behind. Managed to write 3k today though, so that's helpful.
I'm mostly working on coding at work; we've got about 50 videos to get through before data collection starts in December. I got through 11 this week so that's a good start I guess. Plus I had various meetings and stuff every day this week so I might be able to get more done next week. So far the other two coders have gotten...one done? One of them started one and hasn't finished it, the other finished one and started another (she's a student worker doing only 10 hours per week though, so of course she can't work as quickly). I'm not sure having one person do the bulk of the coding is all that great for validity, but we've got to get it all done, so what can ya do.
I got together with my local undergrad buddies on Tuesday night and we all grabbed dinner, so that was good. Gotta support each other. Lol everybody ordered alcohol but me, I just wanted mac & cheese and crinkle fries. XD And pie! It uh, was a night of comfort food for us all.
Not sure if I'm looking forward to going home for Thanksgiving now...I just don't want to deal with my relatives. If it's just a family dinner that's fine, but I want to talk to zero of my assorted aunts, uncles, and cousins.
So that's the story! It's been a week of much thought and not too much else going on.