Oct 12, 2014 23:58
There's a weird bug in the LJ iPhone app that replaces the word "figure" [if you're reading in the app, F1GUR3 typed in leetspeak so it shows up properly] with "div".
This confused me for far longer than it should have. I kept thinking (based on whose blogs I was reading and the fact that the term kind of could work in that way, to "div" something out) that I was missing out on some odd new substitution slang based on a pop culture reference I missed. I hated Harry Potter and Pokemon (I was in college trying to survive, they didn't interest me) and miss a lot of movies and whatnot so these are not new experiences - the new verbiage being lost to me. I even went so far as to ask my SO who, while being similarly myopic tends to have a larger friend base and sees trends happen way before I do, so he can explain memes to me as he often saw them start. Anyway, I finally realised it was a bug in the LJ app display and it wasn't a "frack" or "fetch" situation again.
Curious how I only ever assumed it was my failing and not an external issue.