WTF is wrong with everyone?! (Kids are semi-valid excuses, but not entirely acceptable if you read AT ALL)
I am the ONLY ONE I know who has read them all (or past the first one). Most twice & the last one I got the day before it was released.
They are everything good (bad) fantasy should be: murder, gore,
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We're watching them as they air on the W. Coast (so later) but still as they air. I am getting an ulcer every Sunday trying to keep my trap shut about the huge shit but as we have 3 eps to go (tho 4 weeks because of Memorial Day? Labour day? I don't know) it's getting up to the BIG SHIT point.
If you want send me an email that would be cool. subgirl@gmail.com
(I mentioned I whacked my FB FL down, I am trying to leave it entirely. There are literally 4 people on that list of 21 that I really care about yet whom refuse to go elsewhere so I keep it there to check in with them about once a week. The rest are people who I have no other way to connect to and would like to be aware if they die or get married or something or it was impossible to find them initially and I'm afraid to unfriend them lest I lose them again but I don't really have anything in common with them so I leave them. But the vast majority of people I unfriended, such as yourself it's not personal, I felt like I connected to better elsewhere or I could get back in touch with easily if necessary. I would ultimately love to delete my FB account but there are those stubborn few. Ugh. It was getting to be so negative all the time. I'm really trying to keep life positive - aside from the obvious junk I can't do much about - a lot of people on FB were getting hostile about me trying to be happy - WTF is up with THAT?! Ugh, I just hate it there. Though I did really like your pics of Sqrl & your hikes!)
So glad at least ONE of my friends isn't TOTALLY insane. ;) I need to rewatch the first two seasons. And reread the books. Well I have to unpack them first. They're still packed from the move oh, last June?! Yeah. *sigh* I just don't remember book 4 very well. I had to do a lot of wiki reading to remember what was going on when I got DoD.
Anyway. *hug* Even if you don't want to talk about it until you see it, knowing SOMEONE has read them makes me feel better. I was starting to feel like a crazy alien. I've had people tell me recently they just couldn't get into the books (halfway through the first one) or they thought it was predictable and boring (duh, you've seen the show!) or they weren't impressed and the writing was average (?!). The first two I can kind of see (it is fairly challenging reading for the Harry Potter/50 Shades crowd & of course it's predictable web you've seen the show) but the last one confused me. I think he may not be used to reading fantasy, but he hasn't replied to my question to that end.
Anyway I will stop being Aspergers at you and try to sleep now (even though I'm excited to talk to someone, if nothing else to gasp & freak out).
If you have ebooks of the books lying around, any format whatsoever thank you Calibre, the first one at least, I can give it a test run in the few minutes before I crash into sleep at night. I'm on the next-to-last book in the Lensman series, haven't read it in years and loving how much of the hidden hard science I missed the first time around because it was written in 1950's science language.
Hugs, hope you quit feeling like shit sooner than soonest.
I am fairly certain I have them as ebooks. I know I have the last one for certain if nothing else. But I am pretty sure I have the rest. I can't guarantee the quality of those tho. The latest I bought legitimately for kindle since the book, when first released, was well over 6lbs. & I already had a sprained wrist & couldn't hold it, so I had to read it e-wise. I'll look it up tonight & get back to you.
Good luck!
And thanks for the well wishes. I'm slowly, slowly getting better. My fever is only 1.5° above normal (for me) now. I see the doctor who did the procedure tomorrow. We'll see how that goes. I will be bitching mightily.
Have you been to the Mediterranean? Can you swim in it at all? Or is it all cold and annoying like the ocean turned out to be here? I had a dream about it a log time ago before I had been to any ocean & was curious if it was like the dream I had or totally not at all. Lemme know when you get back & PLEASE ENJOY THE FUCK OUTTA GREECE OMG SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! :D (Neither one of us expected THIS huh?)
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