A story for today's pic:
Today is Setsubun, and I've had some awful luck lately, even more than my usual non-luck. So I thought I'd co-opt some Japanese spring celebrations to help me get over all this. My attempts all year at any sort of celebration have been thwarted so far., so I was determined to at least *try* today. I missed Lunar New Year because of bronchitis, and even the hand calligraphed couplets I had bought a week or more prior to to put around my door for New Year went missing in the mail and only recently showed up. Not to mention the luck-severing things you're not supposed to do on New Year's Kyle ended up pretty much doing all of (he had a long weekend and needed to do laundry and sweep, etc.). *facepalm*
So when I read about Setsubun I was on board. I love soy nuts, so I wouldn't mind getting some to throw out the door/at Kyle and eat the rest. (mamemaki) The other ritual (ehoumaki) is to eat a fat, uncut hand roll with 7 ingredients in silence while facing a particular direction (NNW this year). I love any excuse for sushi, and the miso soup would be nice on my horribly inflamed throat (long story, but it was probably not bronchitis and strep but Mono. Yay.). Sounds pretty simple, right? Well the ever awesome Boy (perhaps guilty for giving me mono and to atone for his laundry? or just for sushi? or all of the above?) went to a nearby Japanese restaurant and got me a futomaki roll, uncut, please.
And then he pulled it out of the bag.
The thing was rubber-banded into the carrier. It felt like at least one or two pounds and is too big to wrap my hand around.
So I had as much as I could eat, in silence, facing NNW, and tapped out. I didn't even eat half. *sigh*
Lets hope my luck gets the point and is understanding.
Next up is bean (or pistachio) throwing. Pistachio? Yeah. Kyle couldn't find roasted soybeans so I got pistachios instead. I read that some places are using peanuts now anyway. So our front door opens into a shared carpeted hallway, so I put the pistachios in a baggie (neatness counts? plus it wouldn't attract pests), and chucked them at oni-Kyle as he left for dinner with friends.
Oof. Well. I hope giving it the ole college try is good enough, because dang I'm tired (and full!) now. It can't hurt. Though Kyle said that with my recent luck I'd get food poisoning from my "lucky roll". >.<
Anyway, happy Setsubun and shoo to all the bad luck and demons! I'm going to bed. :)
[please forgive the lack of a cut, links and probable misspellings and grammar errors. I'm really freaking sick and don't have the energy to fix everything.]