Mar 12, 2005 00:03
Having toyed around with a few ideas have come to create a character i feel is suitable, seing as you wish to emphasise and play with the idea of good and evil I have chosen a character who often has to deal with situations that have no clear line, or at least propose said character as it is of course your final call.
The basic character concept is of a scribe working for a smallish keep, /administaration, / whatever government situation you use, so he would have been exposed to a number of situations to which it is hard to ascribe such values too. class is that of sorceror, to account for a moderatly advanced age and low skill, as up until now he has only dabbled. essentially a shelterd life, so the events of the game will be something new for him and allow him to develop his skills by neccesaity.
I have so far not done actuall character generation as i will await your word on such things, i can forward a moredetailed idea to you when i have it and have some more dxetails on your setting e.t.c. thankyou.