stolen from
eclispedeyes Take the first sentence from the first post of each month. That's your year in review.
Jan: croquet today
Feb: two years of sexual tension and *boom* we're going out.
March: None for March..wonder what I was doing......
April: i'm a sucker, i just looked up "Joe and Liz" on google images.
May: CLICK ME! cute. But disturbing, as...i guess, all cute things sometimes are.
June: I had one of my hardest weeks in a while.
July: Have not stopped moving.
August: Splendour was absolutely fab-u-lous.
September: it's official, apprently I'm depressed.
October: Take me down to the paradise city, where the grass is green and the girls are pretty.
November: It was 7:30 in the morning, and of course, she was asleep.
December: I've got an interview with EB Boutique today....if only it was seven years ago when I actually had knowledge and information about the latest games and easter egg that is in the 3.1 version of reversi.