Sep 22, 2005 22:57
Well, the cable guy never called, so I'll be calling them...again...tomorrow. ^_^ I'd LIKE to have the weather channel before this weekend, but my TV will probably be unplugged a lot of the weekend anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter, though I'd like to have Cartoon Network for Saturday night. Oh well.
Guess I'll go shopping tomorrow for a few things I'll want, and I guess I'll fill up my tank while I'm out, a quarter of a tank, probably'll cost around $11, but that's not too bad. Then settle in for a wet weekend. Eh, who knows, maybe they'll close school on Monday...probably not, but ya never know. Would postpone my test in Mathematical Methods of Physics, but having a weekend of nothing to do and possibly no TV or electricity will give me plenty of time to stufy for it, if nothing else. ^_^
What else...heard some dejecting and disturbing news, did good on a test (that Chem test, made an 85 on it [Woo-hoo!] and an easy [or at least, seemed easy] Astronomy test today which I should make at least a 92 on.) Hm...guess that's about it.
A second big storm in not all that much strange. I wonder if something's up causing it. Still, we'll see how it works. I hope the displaced Texans act the way they should, which some of the Katrina evacuees didn't, but we'll see. Of course, this is gonna suck for NO to be hit again so soon and wreak all their current cleanup efforts, but I guess such is life...
Anyway, won't see Mikey this weekend since I'm staying home, hope they pet him and give him a lot of attention for me and I'll have to pet him and play with him when I go down next weekend. And need a well, I'll figure everything out well enough soon enough, probably. ^_^