Awesome Tuesday

Mar 08, 2005 20:30

So I'd like to wish happy 18th to my good friend T-Roc, and hopefully 3-11 day will be good for you, I know you'll do something insane mad crazy. But on a cooler note, I just listened to a band on 94.7, and they kicked some major Ben's eardrum butt and now they pretty much rock in my book, I also think that this song was played in the strip club I went to on my birthday at Jiggles( which, by the way, was pretty fucking awesome, I clearly have no shame or morals now, and boy does it feel goddamn good!). And once I caught some of the lyrics and googled it, it turns out the song was written by Louis XIV called " Finding Out True Love Is Blind". So I think I'll keep an eye out for them when I frequent the Walmart and Fred Meyer's Electronics section. I Also went to their website and found out that they play at the Meow Meow on April 7. So if I go, this we'll be like, the third or fourth concert that I've gone to. Pretty pathetic, huh? Ah well, late.
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