Feb 18, 2005 15:44
Yeah, so its been a really hella long time, but I don't care. A lot has happened since this update, like me turning 18. Woot, now I can buy lotto tickets and cigarettes and porn and all that good stuff. Ha, funny, I don't feel any different though. But I guess that's what you feel like when you're just having too much fuckin fun. So yeah, today was alright, went to percussion ensemble practice. Ben asked me to show up at 9, and I showed up like half-an-hour late and every single fucking mallet instrument was being currently occupied! Jesus fuckin christ almighty, showed up half-an-hour early, and I sit there and wait, well I ain't got anything better to do, so I just sit there and twiddle my thumbs.
Then Ben starts in on Steve later on in the rehearsal about missing some eight notes and other stuff and I'm just about ready to throw my fuckin mallets at Ben's head, cause Steve is arguably our best mallet player here, and he's playing on the piano, cause Ben decides that I need more time to fuck up on the Marimba, so Steve already has it tough playing a mallet part on a piano, and Ben has the nerve to keep telling Steve not to do what he's doing. I assume Steve is having a hard time playing on the piano, so I'd cut him a little slack there Maul... whatever though, we're still going to suck, cause I still can't play a couple of measures right.
My classes are going alright, especially in Beck's, cause I'm his TA 2 period, his prep period, and he has a bunch of retarded juniors in his class (excludng Taco, I love you man, I'll get you the hook-ups, I promise) so all the papers are easy to grade, and putting the grades in his computer is a real breeze, cause all you do is find the student and type in a number and poof!, they're up from a 59.8% to a 60.4%, so congrats, you all are still dumbasses and not passing! Good for you, so here's your bag of mary jane, now go run along and get arrested and I'll pay for you to learn basic Algebra again while you lick grape jelly out of Bubba's butt-crack cause all you'll ever amount to be is the burger-person at McDonalds flipping my quarter pounder w/ cheese, getting hot grease on your face. God I love being an asshole, it feels so liberating at times, don't you think?