surely there's a "stephen harper pimping his dragon to balance the budget" joke in here somewhere

Sep 29, 2010 07:53

ugh why doesn't everyone else wake up at 4:30 like me. Instead I have all the time in the world to make a detailed list of the 12958732 phone calls I need to make this morning, but can't actually make any of them except between like 9:20-9:28 and 10:24-10:40. While I'm walking places and carrying eight things and don't have anywhere to write anything down. And then the people I miss will call me back as soon as I'm back in class/meeting/whatev. THX LIFE

On a saner note: the Ontario Superior Court has struck down (some of) the Criminal Code provisions on prostitution (communicating for the purposes of, living off the avails of, keeping a common bawdy-house; prostitution itself was already legal). The government asked for an 18-month stay and got a 30-day one, which means that barring new developments, the police will have to stop enforcing these laws before the end of October. There's a similar case in BC which has already made it to the appellate stage and so might make it to the SCC first (with same-sex marriage the government referred the question to the Supreme Court directly, following appellate judgments in BC, ON and QC, but it hardly seems likely this government will go that route). The Ontario decision isn't reported yet (and is 131 pages), so it'll be a while before I get around to reading the details, but it'll be interesting to see what happens next at any rate. Chalk one more up for liberal paradise?

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