(no subject)

Jun 27, 2010 21:23

- G20 disasterrama
- my mom wanting to be my friend on Facebook
- some sort of ... sporting event? idek

il how I've been away from livejournal for so long that half a dozen journals on my flist have been renamed in my absence. Oops! Hi, internet, I've missed you. Not much is really that new with me! I spent most of my absence reading things like the following and then having Srs Discussions about them:
The facts before me are relatively straightforward. On the dates in question, at the place in question, the appellant danced on stage, before an audience. At the start of her performance, she was wearing some clothes. By the end of her performance, she was not wearing any clothes. The dance was described to me as a "go-go dance" which, I understand, is a violent movement of almost all parts of the body, more or less in time to strongly rhythmic music.

-- R. v. Campbell and Mlynarchuk, (1973) 10 C.C.C. (2d) 26 (Alta. Dist. Ct.)

In related news, who has two thumbs and knew that "taking part in an immoral performance in a theatre" was an indictable offence in Canada? Aw, yeah. Armed with such knowledge, of course, I am totally unemployable and broke, so I'm doing some part-time work of a sort which basically makes me want to stab myself in the face on a daily basis, and in about a week's time I'm leaving
thissugarcane all alone with PLANTS and CATS and BEARS, oh my (okay maybe not the last one, but hey, d, think how awesome the first two would seem in comparison!) and heading back to the other coast to freeload off my dad for a month or two. Success!

Yes, I saw the Doctor Who finale; no, I'm not ready to talk about it except through text messages comprised solely of punctuation. Also, I finally got my hands on seasons 2 and 3 of Murdoch Mysteries, which I've been tearing through at a seriously alarming pace considering this was supposed to be the weekend I Got Things Done before leaving. But hey: it's raining, the city's a complete clusterfuck, and let's face it, oh shit murder at Queen and Jarvis!! in 1895 is really a far more satisfactory way to spend my weekend than oh shit police cars on motherfuckin' fire at Yonge and College!! in 2010. :D!

comments at subduction.dreamwidth.org.
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