My sister came to visit me last week, which served as a good excuse to see a few touristy things around town I hadn't seen yet, like the Shoe Museum (lol I know right) and the AGO -- including their basement exhibition of 18th-20th century model ships, oh my God. The vast majority of the 18th-c. models (
this one, for instance) were built by French prisoners of war, many of them using bone from their rations as a primary construction material, and each time I got to a new one the detail just stopped me dead in my tracks. Their website has an informative
podcast and a couple more gorgeous
photos, but neither does justice to the experience of seeing them up close and in three glorious dimensions.
I'd've quite gladly spent the entire four hours down there if my sister hadn't started clearing her throat and making motions toward the stairs -- which still turned out to be a good thing, since one of the major exhibitions showing at the moment is on William Holman Hunt (n.b. I don't know from art, period, but among the very few movements I know and like are the Pre-Raphaelites) so I got to spend another hour or so gaping open-mouthed at a use of colour like I've never seen elsewhere.
(Also, Dear ROM: Renovation: THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT. Love,
This weekend, Star Trek. I'm cautious, but I suspect it'll be so different from the canon I'm attached to that I'll be able to deal with it on its own merits (unlike, say, Enterprise, where I think my fundamental problem was that it was freakin' leotarded wasn't different enough).
I've been kind of broke-ass the past week or two, mostly because I finally bit the bullet and bought my ticket for Bonnaroo, HECK YES. Four days in a field in Tennessee at the height of summer with a few thousand of my fellow variously-intoxicated twentysomethings: what could possibly go wrong?
I've also been more-than-usually neglectful of comments and e-mail, largely because I can't remember the last weekend when I wasn't (a) travelling or (b) hosting travellers. This coming one is no exception, but after that I think I'm free? Ish? Which is good, seeing as I have, like, work to do, and all, but it'll probably also mean I'll respond to some of those comments I've been meaning to get back to since, oh, March. *facepalm*
I finally got around to setting up a Dreamwidth account, but haven't done anything with it as of yet. I'll probably fiddle around with it in days to come and add people as I find them, but I haven't been keeping track of who's already where, so adding me might be a more reliable way of doing things; I'm
subduction over there as well. I won't actually be reading journals over there for the time being, as most people still appear to be cross-posting to LJ, and that's probably what I'll do as well should I ever actually begin posting there.