My trip to the ass-end of town last weekend wound up sucking a great deal less once I realized that my travels had brought me in immediate proximity to the only one of two
H&M stores in the entire province. Two hundred dollars that I couldn't really afford later, I have the makings of a summer wardrobe and a dress so cute I'm pretty sure it violates the laws of physics. INSOLVENCY, LET'S NOT TALK ABOUT IT.
Other things so cute they turn the universe upside down: the latest Doctor Who, gosh. Fandom doesn't seem to have loved it the way I did, and I agree that it had some Issues (someone somewhere on les livejourneaux had a very good and thought-provoking post about the excessive glorification of family/blood relationships in New Who, though I'm too lazy to dig up the link, sorry), but it also had a lot of Cute, which, let's face it, is at least 50% of what keeps me watching this show. I still haven't watched the latest Gaius Baltar: Superstar yet -- I'm suffering from some general TV malaise, I think -- but I gather from vague flist reactions that it might be worth getting excited for, at least compared to the last few weeks'? So I will get on that sometime soon.
Yesterday I read
The Lost Garden by Helen Humphreys, which I was prepared to give 3/5 stars right up until the last two or three pages, which were a definite 5. I love it when that happens; so often it seems to go the other way around, and a weak ending can really ruin a book for me. Still not revolutionary, but a nice, precisely-crafted (if somewhat predictable) little book with some clever turns of phrase and thoughtful insights, and short enough to read in an afternoon. I liked it enough that I'll still have to track down Afterimage, which was the book of hers that I really wanted to read.
In a little under two weeks I will achieve a dream for which my fifteen-year-old self would have sacrificed several virgins and at least one kidney: seeing The Cure in concert. While I'm decidedly excited, it occurs to me that seeing these dudes, live and in the fortysomething flesh, will probably deal the death blow to that tiny but beloved part of my soul which is still that girl, whose desperate love for a bunch of boys
who once looked like this was exceeded only by her love for writing stories where they screwed each other's brains out. So, you know -- something for y'all to think about when the Panic(!)(?) at the Whatever twenty-year reunion tour rolls around. I'm just saying.
Men Who Look Like Old Lesbians.
Cat in the Hat = Magical Mr. Mephistopheles? » So, I'm only peripherally aware of this whole ~Twilight~ phenomenon, and I really shouldn't have to list the reasons why I have zero interest in becoming anything more than peripherally aware, but, newly added to that list of reasons: I'm pretty sure
this profile is at least 200% as lolarious when one doesn't have the faintest clue what's happening. I started laughing in terror right about
here, and it just gets better from there on down. I CANNOT LOOK AWAY.
smallfandomfest, accepting prompts through May 21st and signups/posting starting the 23rd. I'm always too busy/distracted in the fall to do Yuletide (although perhaps not so this year!), so this could be a fun outlet for some of those micro-fandom ideas which are constantly rattling around.
lolscience. Like
loltheorists, only with more jokes that I understand! Like
this one. And
this one. And
this one. (Okay, actually, it took me a minute to get that last one, but when I did it was the funniest of them all.)
» Also from the lollercoaster files: I've seen these on my flist, and you probably have too, but just in case:
"One Semester of Spanish Spanish Love Song" (of which I, with my zero semesters of Spanish, understood every word) and
"Ooh Girl!" -- An Honest R&B Song.
» Lacking something in execution, but worth it for the basic lulz:
Lt. Worf for Obama.
And finally,
please allow me to get this off my chest:Dear fandom,
"Caesar dies" IS NOT A SPOILER. And if it is, you FAIL.
Also dead (SPOILER ALERT!!!!): JFK, Elvis, Princess Diana, Jesus, disco, and probably Jimmy Hoffa. Sorry.
No love,